Appendix F

Table of Contents



Surface Water Hydrology


Proposed Quarry Expansion: Potential Hazards and Impacts


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

List of Tables

  1. Inventory of Available Data
  2. List of Historical Earthquakes in the Study Region
  3. Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
  4. Intensities Associated with Historical Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault
  5. Precipitation Station Summary
  6. RMC Quarry Precipitation Records, WYs 1926-92
  7. Precipitation Records, WYs 1996-2005
  8. Santa Cruz NOAA Record of Monthly Precipitation, WYs 1931-2005
  9. Ben Lomond 4 NOAA Record of Monthly Precipitation, WYs 1973-2005
  10. San Gregorio 2 SE NOAA Record of Monthly Precipitation, WYs 1954-2005
  11. Lockheed Facility Monthly Precipitation Record, WYs 1959-2005
  12. Long-Term Precipitation Records for Santa Cruz and Lockheed Stations
  13. Gaging Records for Laguna Creek, WYs 1970-76 and 2003-04
  14. Gaging Records for Major Creek, WYs 1970-76 and 2004
  15. Recent Gaging Record for Liddell Spring and Downstream Channel
  16. Springs Near Bonny Doon Quarry
  17. Gaged Flow of Liddell and Plant Springs, 1921-22 and 1931-33
  18. City of Santa Cruz Annual Diversions from North Coast Diversions, WYs 1972-2005
  19. City of Santa Cruz Diversions from Liddell Spring, WYs 1972-2005
  20. Liddell Spring Diversions versus Gaged Flows, WYs 1999-2005
  21. Multiple Regression Correlation Coefficients for Water-Year Diversions Versus Same-Year and Prior-Year Precipitation, Liddell Spring and Laguna Creek, WYs 1972-2001
  22. City of Santa Cruz Diversions from Laguna and Reggiardo Creeks, WYs 1972-2005
  23. Laguna and Reggiardo Creek Diversions versus Laguna Creek Gaged Flows, WYs 1971-77 and 2003-04
  24. City of Santa Cruz Diversions from Majors Creek, WYs 1972-2005
  25. Majors Creek Diversions versus Gaged Flows, WYs 1971-77 and 2004
  26. Bonny Doon Quarry Monitoring Wells
  27. Summary of Conceptual Groundwater Flow Paths
  28. Groundwater Level Data, Quarry Monitoring Wells, 1992-2006
  29. Summary of Reviewed Water-Well Driller Reports
  30. Surface and Groundwater Temperatures
  31. Groundwater, Spring, and Stream Water Quality Analyses
  32. Liddell Spring Diversion Water Quality Analyses
  33. Laguna Creek Diversion Water Quality Analyses
  34. Majors Creek Diversion Water Quality Analyses
  35. Specific Conductance of Monitoring Well Groundwater Samples
  36. Specific Conductance of Springs and Streams
  37. Results of Stable Isotope Survey, February 2003
  38. Nitrate Concentrations of Groundwater, Springs, and Streams
  39. Summary of Previous Interpretations of Liddell Spring's Response to Precipitation and Tracers
  40. Liddell Spring Response to Storm Events, January 2004 to April 2005
  41. Estimated Average Annual Water Balance for Stream and Spring Drainages near Bonny Doon Quarry
  42. Summary of Previous Interpretations of Liddell Spring's Response to Blasting
  43. Liddell Spring Turbidity Peaks Following Quarry Blasts, January 2004 to March 2005
  44. Distances and Directions to Local Faults
  45. Deterministically Estimated Seismic Shaking Intensities
  46. Probabilistically Estimated Ground Motions

List of Figures

  1. Regional Topographic Map
  2. Quarry Topographic Map
  3. Study Area Fracture Map
  4. Regional Geologic Map
  5. Regional Seismicity Map
  6. Local Geologic Map
  7. Equal Area Stereonet Plot of Quarry Fracture Attitudes
  8. Comparison of Monthly Precipitation Records, WYs 2001-05
  9. Comparison of Daily Precipitation Records, WYs 2001-05
  10. Approximate Quarry-Area Drainages
  11. Quarry Floor Pond Level, February-March, 2004
  12. Watersheds Above Points of Diversion, Bonny Doon Area
  13. Gaged Flow of Liddell and Plant Springs, 1921-22 and 1931-33
  14. City of Santa Cruz North Coast Diversions, WYs 1972-2005
  15. North Coast Precipitation-Diversion Double Mass Curves, WYs 1972-2004
  16. Specific Conductance of North Coast Diversions, WYs 1975-2005
  17. Nitrate Concentrations of North Coast Diversions, WYs 1973-2005
  18. Turbidity of North Coast Diversions, WYs 1974-2005
  19. Water Quality of Liddell Spring Diversions, WYs 1959-2005
  20. Fracture Zones Interconnecting Marble, Sinking Streams, and Springs
  21. Elevation Averaged Occurrence of Voids and Enhanced Porosity Encountered by Quarry Borings
  22. Santa Margarita Sandstone Estimated Base Elevation
  23. Quarry Monitoring Wells
  24. Conceptual Model of Groundwater Occurrence
  25. Generalized Groundwater Surface Contours, Bonny Doon Area
  26. Groundwater Level Hydrographs for Wells BD-40, -41, -42, M5A, M6A, and M6B
  27. Groundwater Level Hydrographs for Wells BD-44, M1B, M2A, M2B, M3A, M3B, NZA, and PELA-3 and -4
  28. Groundwater Level Hydrographs for Wells DDH-19, BD-45, DH-3, and PELA-1
  29. Groundwater Level Hydrographs for Wells QM-1, -2, -3, and -4 and PELA-2
  30. Generalized Upper Groundwater Surface Contours, Quarry Area
  31. Generalized Lower Groundwater Surface Contours, Quarry Area
  32. Maximum Recorded Groundwater Elevations, Quarry Area
  33. Liddell Spring Data Logger Record for Discharge, Specific Conductance, Turbidity, and Precipitation, September 1997 through May 2000
  34. Liddell Spring Data Logger Record for Discharge, Specific Conductance, Turbidity, and Precipitation, October 2001 through September 2005
  35. Duration Curves of Liddell Spring Mean Daily Discharge, Turbidity, and Specific Conductance, 1998-2005
  36. Correlations Among Liddell Spring Mean Daily Discharge, Turbidity, and Specific Conductance, 1998-2005
  37. Trilinear Diagram of Bonny Doon Area Ionic Water Types
  38. Average Specific Conductance of Groundwater and Springs
  39. Correlation Between the Specific Conductance of Diversions from Liddell Spring and Laguna and Majors Creeks
  40. Interpretation of PELA February 2003 Stable Isotope Survey
  41. Average Correlations Between Turbidity and Suspended Sediment for Five Coastal California Streams
  42. Summary of PELA 2004 Tracer Test Results
  43. Interpretation of 2004 Tracer Test
  44. Liddell Spring Data Logger Record Showing Analyzed Storms, January 2004 through April 2005
  45. Storm Hydrograph Comparison, January-February 2004
  46. Storm Hydrograph Comparison, February-March 2004
  47. Storm Hydrograph Comparison, October 2004
  48. Storm Hydrograph Comparison, December 2004
  49. Storm Hydrograph Comparison, December 2004-January 2005
  50. Storm Hydrograph Comparison, February 2005
  51. Storm Hydrograph Comparison, March 2005
  52. Storm Hydrograph Comparison, April 2005
  53. Average Timing of Liddell Spring and Runoff Responses to Storm Precipitation, 2004-05
  54. Conceptual Model of Seasonal Change in Flow Pattern
  55. Conceptual Model of Seasonal Recharge and Storage Release from Marble Aquifer
  56. Liddell Spring Record for Blast Events During February-March 2005


  1. Plate 1 – Quarry Area Geologic Map
  2. Plate 2 – Quarry Geologic Map
  3. Plate 3 – Cross Sections A-A’, B-B’ and C-C’
  4. Plate 4 – Cross Sections D-D’ and D-D”