Appendix F
Table of Contents
Surface Water Hydrology
Proposed Quarry Expansion: Potential Hazards and Impacts
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
List of Tables
- Inventory of Available Data
- List of Historical Earthquakes in the Study Region
- Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
- Intensities Associated with Historical Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault
- Precipitation Station Summary
- RMC Quarry Precipitation Records, WYs 1926-92
- Precipitation Records, WYs 1996-2005
- Santa Cruz NOAA Record of Monthly Precipitation, WYs 1931-2005
- Ben Lomond 4 NOAA Record of Monthly Precipitation, WYs 1973-2005
- San Gregorio 2 SE NOAA Record of Monthly Precipitation, WYs 1954-2005
- Lockheed Facility Monthly Precipitation Record, WYs 1959-2005
- Long-Term Precipitation Records for Santa Cruz and Lockheed Stations
- Gaging Records for Laguna Creek, WYs 1970-76 and 2003-04
- Gaging Records for Major Creek, WYs 1970-76 and 2004
- Recent Gaging Record for Liddell Spring and Downstream Channel
- Springs Near Bonny Doon Quarry
- Gaged Flow of Liddell and Plant Springs, 1921-22 and 1931-33
- City of Santa Cruz Annual Diversions from North Coast Diversions, WYs 1972-2005
- City of Santa Cruz Diversions from Liddell Spring, WYs 1972-2005
- Liddell Spring Diversions versus Gaged Flows, WYs 1999-2005
- Multiple Regression Correlation Coefficients for Water-Year Diversions Versus Same-Year and Prior-Year Precipitation, Liddell Spring and Laguna Creek, WYs 1972-2001
- City of Santa Cruz Diversions from Laguna and Reggiardo Creeks, WYs 1972-2005
- Laguna and Reggiardo Creek Diversions versus Laguna Creek Gaged Flows, WYs 1971-77 and 2003-04
- City of Santa Cruz Diversions from Majors Creek, WYs 1972-2005
- Majors Creek Diversions versus Gaged Flows, WYs 1971-77 and 2004
- Bonny Doon Quarry Monitoring Wells
- Summary of Conceptual Groundwater Flow Paths
- Groundwater Level Data, Quarry Monitoring Wells, 1992-2006
- Summary of Reviewed Water-Well Driller Reports
- Surface and Groundwater Temperatures
- Groundwater, Spring, and Stream Water Quality Analyses
- Liddell Spring Diversion Water Quality Analyses
- Laguna Creek Diversion Water Quality Analyses
- Majors Creek Diversion Water Quality Analyses
- Specific Conductance of Monitoring Well Groundwater Samples
- Specific Conductance of Springs and Streams
- Results of Stable Isotope Survey, February 2003
- Nitrate Concentrations of Groundwater, Springs, and Streams
- Summary of Previous Interpretations of Liddell Spring's Response to Precipitation and Tracers
- Liddell Spring Response to Storm Events, January 2004 to April 2005
- Estimated Average Annual Water Balance for Stream and Spring Drainages near Bonny Doon Quarry
- Summary of Previous Interpretations of Liddell Spring's Response to Blasting
- Liddell Spring Turbidity Peaks Following Quarry Blasts, January 2004 to March 2005
- Distances and Directions to Local Faults
- Deterministically Estimated Seismic Shaking Intensities
- Probabilistically Estimated Ground Motions
List of Figures
- Regional Topographic Map
- Quarry Topographic Map
- Study Area Fracture Map
- Regional Geologic Map
- Regional Seismicity Map
- Local Geologic Map
- Equal Area Stereonet Plot of Quarry Fracture Attitudes
- Comparison of Monthly Precipitation Records, WYs 2001-05
- Comparison of Daily Precipitation Records, WYs 2001-05
- Approximate Quarry-Area Drainages
- Quarry Floor Pond Level, February-March, 2004
- Watersheds Above Points of Diversion, Bonny Doon Area
- Gaged Flow of Liddell and Plant Springs, 1921-22 and 1931-33
- City of Santa Cruz North Coast Diversions, WYs 1972-2005
- North Coast Precipitation-Diversion Double Mass Curves, WYs 1972-2004
- Specific Conductance of North Coast Diversions, WYs 1975-2005
- Nitrate Concentrations of North Coast Diversions, WYs 1973-2005
- Turbidity of North Coast Diversions, WYs 1974-2005
- Water Quality of Liddell Spring Diversions, WYs 1959-2005
- Fracture Zones Interconnecting Marble, Sinking Streams, and Springs
- Elevation Averaged Occurrence of Voids and Enhanced Porosity Encountered by Quarry Borings
- Santa Margarita Sandstone Estimated Base Elevation
- Quarry Monitoring Wells
- Conceptual Model of Groundwater Occurrence
- Generalized Groundwater Surface Contours, Bonny Doon Area
- Groundwater Level Hydrographs for Wells BD-40, -41, -42, M5A, M6A, and M6B
- Groundwater Level Hydrographs for Wells BD-44, M1B, M2A, M2B, M3A, M3B, NZA, and PELA-3 and -4
- Groundwater Level Hydrographs for Wells DDH-19, BD-45, DH-3, and PELA-1
- Groundwater Level Hydrographs for Wells QM-1, -2, -3, and -4 and PELA-2
- Generalized Upper Groundwater Surface Contours, Quarry Area
- Generalized Lower Groundwater Surface Contours, Quarry Area
- Maximum Recorded Groundwater Elevations, Quarry Area
- Liddell Spring Data Logger Record for Discharge, Specific Conductance, Turbidity, and Precipitation, September 1997 through May 2000
- Liddell Spring Data Logger Record for Discharge, Specific Conductance, Turbidity, and Precipitation, October 2001 through September 2005
- Duration Curves of Liddell Spring Mean Daily Discharge, Turbidity, and Specific Conductance, 1998-2005
- Correlations Among Liddell Spring Mean Daily Discharge, Turbidity, and Specific Conductance, 1998-2005
- Trilinear Diagram of Bonny Doon Area Ionic Water Types
- Average Specific Conductance of Groundwater and Springs
- Correlation Between the Specific Conductance of Diversions from Liddell Spring and Laguna and Majors Creeks
- Interpretation of PELA February 2003 Stable Isotope Survey
- Average Correlations Between Turbidity and Suspended Sediment for Five Coastal California Streams
- Summary of PELA 2004 Tracer Test Results
- Interpretation of 2004 Tracer Test
- Liddell Spring Data Logger Record Showing Analyzed Storms, January 2004 through April 2005
- Storm Hydrograph Comparison, January-February 2004
- Storm Hydrograph Comparison, February-March 2004
- Storm Hydrograph Comparison, October 2004
- Storm Hydrograph Comparison, December 2004
- Storm Hydrograph Comparison, December 2004-January 2005
- Storm Hydrograph Comparison, February 2005
- Storm Hydrograph Comparison, March 2005
- Storm Hydrograph Comparison, April 2005
- Average Timing of Liddell Spring and Runoff Responses to Storm Precipitation, 2004-05
- Conceptual Model of Seasonal Change in Flow Pattern
- Conceptual Model of Seasonal Recharge and Storage Release from Marble Aquifer
- Liddell Spring Record for Blast Events During February-March 2005
- Plate 1 – Quarry Area Geologic Map
- Plate 2 – Quarry Geologic Map
- Plate 3 – Cross Sections A-A’, B-B’ and C-C’
- Plate 4 – Cross Sections D-D’ and D-D”