Online Permit Guide

Your guide to the permit process


Are you planning a residential building permit project such as a new house, accessory dwelling unit, addition, or remodel?  If so, we invite you to try the Camino Online Permit Guide.

What is the Camino Online Permit Guide?
Using a project’s location and your answers to questions, Camino provides a customized checklist of building permit application submittal requirements tailored to your project. The checklist is your road map to preparing a complete application.  

What will the Permit Guide include?
Each permit guide will include application submittal requirements, as well as alerts that could affect the feasibility or design of a project. 

What are the benefits of the Camino Online Permit Guide?
Camino permit guide benefits include:

  • Consistent, rules-based information to ensure that staff and applicants are on the same page.
  • A knowledge hub that provides a single place to learn about the process of submitting for a permit before formally doing so.
  • A guided process that automatically provides applicants with a list of the forms and documents that are required for their unique project.
  • An opportunity for applicants to enter and compare multiple project scenarios for free and from the comfort of their home or office.

Are you ready to try Camino? 
To get started, all you need is your address.

We want your feedback!
To make Camino better, we need your feedback!
Tell us about your experience by sending us an email to
Questions? email or call (831) 454-2480.