Housing Advisory Commission (HAC)

The January 8, 2025 Regular Meeting of the Housing Advisory Commission has been CANCELLED.
For the regular HAC meeting schedule, see the link below or contact the HAC Liaison at 454-2332. Se habla español.

Public Participation

  • Please check the meeting agenda to learn details about how to participate in the commission meeting. 
  • If you need special accommodations, please call (831) 454-3137 at least 5 days before the meeting.
  • To contact the HAC, please contact Housing staff at (831) 454-2332 or HousingProgramsInfo@santacruzcountyca.gov.

Meetings & By-Laws

  • The HAC holds regular meetings generally at 1:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each odd-numbered month of the year (January, March, May, etc.), or as otherwise shown in the current HAC Work Plan.
  • The Commission may call for special public meetings in order to conduct timely Commission business.
  • Commission By-Laws

About Us

The Commission shall advise the Board of Supervisors on housing policy; advise the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission on matters relating to the Housing Element of the General Plan, developed pursuant to Government Code Section 65302(c) and Health and Safety Code Section 50459, conduct a continuous study of housing in Santa Cruz County, and may conduct public hearings on housing problems and potential solutions. The Commission shall assess the housing needs in this County, and study, prepare, review and make recommendations on public programs designed to meet those needs. The Commission may also study, review and make recommendations on private housing programs.

For more information on Santa Cruz County Commissions, Committees, and Advisory Bodies, click here.

Commission Members

The Housing Advisory Commission (HAC) is made up of ten members: two from each District and appointed by each County Supervisor.

District 1 John Flaniken (Vice-Chair), Sibley Simon (Chair)
District 2 Bud Carney, Katharine Minott
District 3 Amanda Harris-Altice, Bo Aucoin
District 4 Rose Marie McNair, Bianca Alvarez
District 5 Bryan Chambers, Kent Washburn