Street Light Installation

Properties Within Existing Lighting District    
Properties Outside of District  
Street Light Outages

Properties Within Existing Lighting District

  • One or more property owners may request the installation of residential street lighting. If their neighborhood is within the residential street lighting district, the Department of Public Works will request a Pacific Gas and Electric Company site inspection to confirm feasibility of installation. Seventy‐watt, high‐pressure sodium vapor luminaires, in accordance with Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s energy conservation program, mounted on existing power poles, are the standard fixtures for residential installations.
  • If deemed feasible, the Department of Public Works will prepare a map of the proposed street light installation. This map, together with an Adjoining Property Owners’ Concurrence, will be sent to the requestor, who then must obtain signatures of at least sixty percent of the affected property owners. This indicates agreement to the installation of a street light at a specific location. Typically, four parcels will be most affected by each luminaire installed on a power pole: the two immediately adjacent to the pole and the two directly across from it. If objections are raised by any of the four, Pacific Gas and Electric Company will not install the light unless and until the County resolves the matter.
  • After the lighting request is approved by the Board of Supervisors, the Department of Public Works will schedule the installation by Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
  • Currently, County Service Area No. 9, Zone A provides residential street lighting in portions of Felton, Ben Lomond, Brookdale and Boulder Creek as well as Davenport, Live Oak, Aptos, Seascape, La Selva Beach, Freedom and Corralitos. (CSA 9A Map) To initiate a request for street light installa‐ tion in County Service Area No. 9, Zone A, contact the Department of Public Works, CSA 9A, at 454‐2160.

Properties Outside of Lighting District

  • One or more property owners may request the installation of residential street lighting. If their neighborhood is not currently within the residential street lighting district, it is necessary to annex into County Service Area (CSA) No. 9, Zone A, in order for the County to provide lighting services.
  • After the initial request for residential street lighting services,the Department of Public Works will request a Pacific Gas and Electric Company site inspection to confirm feasibility of an installation. If deemed feasible, the Department of Public Works will prepare a map of the proposed annexation area showing the "zone of benefit." This map, along with a Petition for Annexation to CSA No. 9, Zone A will be sent to the requestor, who then must obtain signatures of at least sixty percent of the affected property owners. A minimum of 4‐6 benefiting properties is required before annexation can be initiated. In addition, the homeowners immediately adjacent to and directly across from each proposed street light must sign the Adjoining Property Owners’ Concurrence form, which indicates agreement to the installation of a street light at a specific location. The completed Petition for Annexation and the Adjoining Property Owners’ Concurrence form are submitted to the Department of Public Works with a map showing the proposed street light locations.
  • Residential street lighting provided by CSA No. 9, Zone A is funded by levies that are considered benefit assessments. According to Proposition 218, "The Right To Vote On Taxes Act," levies such as those for CSA No. 9, Zone A must be voted on by the residents in the proposed benefit zone. A ballot is mailed to each property owner within the proposed benefit zone and the results of the election tabulated after a public hearing on the assessment. Assessment fees which range from $2.35 to $4.70 per year, must be approved by at least half of the votes cast by the property owners, with the votes weighted according to the amount of the proposed assessment on each parcel.

Street Light Outages

  • Street lights within the unincorporated areas of Santa Cruz County are maintained by Pacific Gas and Electric Company. The Department of Public Works does not repair inoperative street lights. To report street light outages, call 1‐800‐PGE‐5000. Reports can also be made online at www.pge.com/streetlights.