Public outreach on this project was conducted extensively for over 10 years and across various policy efforts that were incorporated into the Sustainability Update, including the Sustainable Santa Cruz County Plan, Code Modernization, and the Pleasure Point Commercial Corridor.
Once these policy efforts were consolidated into the Sustainability Update, the County began a public outreach campaign online and in person that resulted in over 20 public meetings for the Santa Cruz County community to provide their input on the project. The County’s public outreach was extensive, including mailed notices, newspaper ads, public postings, press releases, a social media campaign and email outreach regularly reaching over 3,000 members of the community. A project website was also created to provide a consolidated location for members of the public to find information on project documents, upcoming meetings, as well as a survey and public comment portal.
Community Meetings (March – May 2022)
The County held a series of community meetings to introduce the public to the Sustainability Update, review project components, answer the community’s questions, and solicit public feedback. Seven evening community meetings were held in Spring 2022 focusing on six topic areas. Recordings of the Community Meetings can be found here: Sustainability Update Public Meetings.
Commission Study Sessions (May – August 2022)
In the Summer of 2022, staff conducted a series of study sessions at public meetings before County Commissions to review the Sustainability Update and identify any recommended changes. Ten study sessions were held before the following County Commissions:
Recordings of Planning Commission Study Sessions can be found here: Sustainability Update Public Meetings. Following the Commission Study Sessions, the public was invited to provide their input during the public hearing process. See FAQ below for more information on public hearings.
EIR Outreach
Separately, the County conducted public outreach related to environmental review of the project concurrent with outreach for the draft project documents. See FAQ below for more information on the EIR process.