Santa Cruz County is at risk of experiencing major earthquakes and severe winter storms, as well as isolated geologic hazards such as local landslides and debris flows, that threaten life and/or property. The Geologic Hazards Ordinance (Chapter 16.10) of the Santa Cruz County Code establishes regulations to minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to public and private property caused by geologic hazards and is administered through a system of geologic hazard assessment, technical review, and noticing of development. In Santa Cruz County, engineering geologic reports are required for most projects that qualify as development or development activities in areas susceptible to significant potential hazards. The findings and recommendations included within the geologic report must be considered by the project geotechnical (soils) engineer and design team. These recommendations may include delineated areas on the property deemed geologically suitable for the proposed development.
The County strongly recommends that geologic hazards be considered as early as possible in the project planning process. Geologic hazards may pose significant constraints for proposed development and could influence the feasibility of potential projects.
The County Geologist can be contacted at and is available for in-person appointments Wednesday mornings. Appointments may be self-scheduled using the Appointment Scheduler.