Sewer & Water

County Sanitation is responsible for environmental compliance and the collection of wastewater (sewage) within three Sanitation Districts and five County Service Areas (CSAs). County Sanitation also supplies clean drinking water and recycled water to one district serving the community of Davenport.

View the locations and service areas of these Districts and CSAs here: Sanitation Districts & CSAs

Drinking water and recycled water services are only provided for the Davenport area. If you reside within the City of Santa Cruz or the surrounding unincorporated areas not located in the mountains, your water is likely to be provided by City of Santa Cruz or Soquel Water. There are some smaller water companies who service rural areas within Santa Cruz County. 

Sanitary sewer system agencies covered under the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (Order 2022-0103-DWQ) for Sanitary Sewer Systems, are required to report all spills for which their agency has responsibility to the State Water Resources Control Board's Sanitary Sewer Spill database. This data is available to the public, agencies and interested stakeholders. Interested parties may view the reports here: California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS).

Do you have questions about connecting to sewer OR converting from an existing septic treatment system? Start by viewing our interactive map to identify which Sanitation District or CSA you reside in, how close your parcel is to a sewer main, and which local agency to contact for guidance on next steps.

Please note: County Sanitation does not provide sewer service to those residents who reside within the Santa Cruz city limits, Watsonville city limits, or Scotts Valley city limits. Questions on sewer or water service in these city limits should be directed to their respective public works departments.

This is Not a Trash Can
Think before you flush
Please fight FOG

(copia en español de: Piense antes de vacear el inodor)

Santa Cruz County developed and implements a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) pursuant to State Water Resources Control Board Order 2006-003, Statewide General Discharge Requirements of Sanitary Sewer Systems. The goal of the SSMP is to minimize the frequency and severity of spills. The SSMP covers the management, planning, design, and operation and maintenance of the County's sanitary sewer systems. Interested parties can contact Sanitation Operations Manager, Beatriz Barranco at 831-477-3907 for additional information.

It is the property owner's responsibility to install & maintain an overflow or backflow protective device on your sewer lateral when any building's lowest floor elevation is less than one foot above the rim elevation of the nearest upstream manhole. For further information please contact (831) 454-2160.