The Real Cost of Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping is a widespread problem that affects our quality of life. Besides being unsightly to look at, dumping also negatively impacts our natural environment and property values. Everyone in the County pays for the cost of cleanups. Everyone in the County pays for the cost of cleanups. For every dollar spent to clean up an illegal dumpsite, that's one less dollar that can utilized for other programs. If a dumpsite is not cleaned up immediately, more people will contribute their garbage to the pile. Illegal dumpsites attact vermin/vectors, kills vegetation, and habitat, contributes to water pollution, flooding, erosion, and even fires.
Many people leave boxes curbside with free signs. When they are reported to the County, local trash collection crews remove the items. Please donate or dispose of items responsibly.
Curbside Collection
GreenWaste customers are allowed 3 bulky items pick up per calendar year! Customers may also make appointments for four extra trash pick-ups per year.
Dropbox Haulers
Unicorporated County area commercial waste hauling is regulated by County ordinance. These haulers have signed formal agreements to abide by locally-established safety and performance standards.
List of dropbox haulers
Fines and Penalties
Fines and penalties for illegal dumping start at $100 for first time violations. The fine increases to $200 for second offenses and $500 for the third violation within one year.
The County may only abate illegal dumpsites that are located on public property. Illegal dumpsites on private property are the responsibility of the property owner.
Recycling and Disposal Facilities
City of Santa Cruz Residents:
City of Santa Cruz
Resource Recovery Facility