Forms & Publications

Building Forms & Bulletins

# Name
PLG200 Building Permit Application Form
Formulario para Solicitar Permiso de Construcción
PLG202 Application Extension Request
PLG203 Permit Extension Request
PLG204 Building Resubmittal Response Form
Formulario de Respuesta de Reenvío de Edificios
PLG205 Building Permit Construction Change Documents
Permiso de Construcción Documentos de Modificación de Construcción
PLG206 Building Permit Deferred Submittal
Permiso de Construcción Entrega Diferida
PLG207 Plan Check Service Request - Residential
PLG209 Plan Check Service - Completion
PLG210 Owner-Agent Authorization
Autorización del Propietario-Agente
PLG220 Owner-Builder Acknowledgement
Reconocimiento del Propietario-Constructor
PLG230 ePlan Submittal Checklist
Permiso de Construcción Lista de verificación del Envío ePlan
PLG235 Supplemental Documents Index
Índice de Documentos Complementarios
PLG240 Special Inspections Testing Agreement
PLG245 Accessibility Compliance and Hardship
PLG250 Transfer of Responsibility
PLG260 Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Affidavit
PLG261 Damage Assessment Resolution Affidavit
PLG262 ReRoof Tear Off Sheathing Certificate
PLG264 AB 2533 Substandard Housing Checklist
PLG270 Alternate Design Material or Construction Method
PLG280 Application Requirements for Residential Structures 
Requisitos de Solictud para Estructuras Residenciales
PLG290 Electrical Load Calculation Single-Family
PLG291 EVCS Single-Family Duplex
PLG292 EVCS Multifamily
PLG293 EVCS Commercial Public Use
IB200 SCC Notes Sheet
IB900 Deck Construction

Code Compliance

# Name
Online Code Complaint Form

Discretionary Permit Forms

Floodplain Management

# Name
Elevation Certificate
This link will take you to the FEMA website. Scroll down to the Elevation Certificate and follow the instructions.
Dry Floodproofing Certificate
Final V-Zone Certificate
Floodproofing Certificate
No Rise Certificate
Substantial Improvement Information & Form
V-Zone Certificate

Permit Engineering Group

Records Requests

Senate Bill 9

Street Addressing

Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO)