Property Sale Disclosure - Sewer Laterals Lateral Program Presentation
Lateral Work in Public Right-of-Way
List of Approved Contractors
Did you know that any time work needs to be performed on laterals in the public-right-of-way, the work must be completed by a contractor authorized by the Sanitation District to work under the blanket encroachment permit?
Contractors interested in being added to this list can contact staff by email at for more information.
Did you know?
- You own and are responsible for your sewer lateral from where it connects to the public sewer main, all the way to your building.

- Sewer lateral video inspections are required in the following instances: Videos shall be submitted to by the contracted plumber for District staff review & comment. Forms available at the top of this page.
* A remodel in this case is any remodel increasing the amount of fixture units from the previously permitted amount.
- -Escrow / Sale of Property
- -Additions or remodels to an existing building*/ADU connections
- -New Building
- -When there are more than 2 overflows within a 12-month period.
- You are responsible for maintaining and repairing your lateral. This includes:
- -Cleaning (i.e. removing fats, oils, grease, sediments, and roots)
- -Fixing leaks, cracks, inflow or infiltration of extraneous water, root intrusion, open joints, significant sags, breaks, and blockages.
- -Installing backflow devices
- -Inspection to assure proper operation
- If a sanitary sewer overflow occurs, the cost of material and labor for stopping the overflows shall be paid by the property owner (or per recorded CC&Rs if associated with an HOA).
- -Overflows shall be reported to (831) 477-3907 immediately.
- How to obtain a no-cost sanitary sewer lateral permit:
- -If you are in one of Santa Cruz County's service areas, then you will obtain your sewer lateral permit at 701 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, 4th floor Room 410. Ask for sanitation assistance at the Public Works front desk OR email us at
- -Once you obtain your permit, you will need a final inspection by a County Inspector prior to backfilling any excavations. To schedule an inspection please call the Hotline (831) 454-2895 and leave a message. Your call will be returned within 1 business day. Note any work in right-of-way (road) requires pre-clearance - traffic control plans, proper insurance, licensing, and public notice may be required. Contact us first.
Septic Tank Abandonment
Connection Fee Calculator (Microsoft Excel with macros enabled is required to use this tool).
- Contact the Sanitation Department to determine if sewer is available for your property (complete and submit a Sewer Service Availability Form). Additional steps may need to be completed prior to being granted sewer service (owners should inquire early on if interested in pursing a connection to the nearest District sewer; parcels located outside Urban Service Boundaries and/or County Sanitation’s Sphere of Influence may require more steps - contact our staff)
- Contact Environmental Health at (831) 454-2022 ( to obtain an application for a septic tank destruction permit. Certain fees and inspections may apply, applicants shall coordinate with Environmental Health staff as part of their septic tank destruction permit.
- A plumbing fixture count and rough schematic/drawing showing the proposed sewer connection for the residence shall be required. Sewer connection fees (based on installed drainage fixture units per CA Plumbing Code 702.1), district buy-in fees, and annexation fees shall be paid as applicable prior to issuance of a sewer connection permit.
- -Contact District staff to inquire about sewer connection fees.
- Inspection of lateral construction/connection by a sanitation inspector will be required prior to backfilling the lateral trench.
- All work within a County right-of-way shall be per current County requirements and shall be performed by a licensed contractor or plumber. Proper insurance, traffic control, and clearance is required prior to starting any work.