Transportation Improvements

Measure D and SB1

This page contains information about Measure D and SB-1.


In April 2017, the State passed Senate Bill 1 (SB1), also known as the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Act (RMRA), which is providing a much needed new funding source for County roads. General information about SB-1 can be found at the State's website at the link below. Due to the extreme amount of storm damage our county roads received in the winters of  2016/2017 and 2022/2023 this funding is currently being used as a local match to State and Federal disaster relief funding for roadway storm damage repair sites. Once we have repaired our roads from storm damage the SB1 funding will likely be used to supplement pavement resurfacing and other road projects, however, we don’t anticipate being able to use the SB1 funds for resurfacing for some time. Our most current approved SB-1 (RMRA) project list can be found at the link below.

Measure D

In November 2016, Santa Cruz County voters passed Measure D, a one-half cent sales tax that funds transportation projects for a 30 year period. Measure D funding is allocated by formula to various Countywide transportation needs including State highways, rail trail, transit, active transportation, and 30% for local road repair distributed by formula among the County and local Cities. More information about Measure D can be found on the RTC's website at the link below.  Resurfacing of smaller neighborhood and local access roads is the current priority for use of the County's share of Measure D funds. The current Board approved Measure D 5 Year Plan and information on current road resurfacing projects can be found at the links below.

Links to Additional Information