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The Housing Section's purpose is to increase, preserve, and/or renovate affordable housing in the unincorporated area of Santa Cruz. This office also administers ongoing programs such as the Measure J inclusionary program and various grant-funded programs.

We also serve as the Housing Successor Agency, administering the remaining housing assets and affordable housing functions of the former Santa Cruz County Redevelopment Agency, following its dissolution by the State in 2011. Over the past several decades, the County and its former Redevelopment Agency have provided millions of dollars of financing and technical assistance to help local affordable housing providers build, renovate, acquire and/or preserve more than a thousand affordable apartments, homes and mobile homes.

Current Housing Program activities include partnering with non-profit affordable housing developers to build new affordable units, applying for grants, supporting the Policy section on Housing policy matters such as the Housing Element Update, serving as liaison to the Housing Advisory Commission, managing the ADU Incentives Program, providing loan servicing on the County’s portfolio of outstanding Housing loans, and supporting other various County efforts to create affordable housing opportunities in the community.

Eligibility for various County-assisted and administered affordable housing programs is based on the State Income Limits published annually by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Please see the Affordable Housing Guidelines for further details.

If you have questions about any County Housing programs, please contact Housing staff at (831) 454-2332 or Se habla español
