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CRV Changes on the Horizon

County Resources

California Redemption Value

As of July 1, 2025, the Ben Lomond Transfer Station will still be accepting all CRV beverage containers for recycling but will not be paying out CRV fees (5 cents for containers less than 24 oz; 10 cents for containers more than 24 oz; 25 cents for adult beverage boxes, bladders and pouches.) in exchange for the CRV beverage containers. However, starting January 1, 2025 any beverage retailer will have to either join a dealer cooperative or offer in-store redemption to customers.

CalRecycle's Beverage Container Recycling Program started in 1987, after the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act passed in 1986. This act often referred to as the "Bottle Bill,"  required beverage retailers to participate in the redemption process for California Redemption Value (CRV) containers with the goal to increase the recycling rate of beverage containers by making it more convenient for consumers to redeem their CRV deposits.

As of January 1, 2025, new regulations will bring additional changes to the program by requiring any beverage retailer to either:

  1. Join a dealer cooperative, which collectively offers CRV redemption services, or
  2. Offer in-store CRV redemption directly to customers.

This change will improve the accessibility and efficiency of CRV redemption. By making CRV redemption available at retail locations, the state hopes to encourage more frequent and convenient recycling, reducing the likelihood of consumers accumulating large quantities of containers. Recyclers can now recycle on their weekly shopping trips. Most places such as supermarkets will refund up to 50 cans or bottles.

The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) is the agency responsible for implementing and enforcing these regulations.

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