Erosion Control & Best Management Practices

 Training Films

The Department of Public Works has produced training films to assist in educating our operation crews, engineering staff and the public on best management practices as they relate to water quality issues and protecting aquatic habitat.

On-line streaming video brings important news and information on our training workshops to you by Internet. With this new feature, you can now watch one of our videos from your computer while you are connected to the Internet. It is like watching your TV – except you can choose which part of a program you want to watch and when you want to watch it. You can pause, rewind, forward, or watch it over and over. The listing below shows the videos currently available for viewing. Note: The videos are best viewed over a broadband internet connection.

The Return Home

This film documents the Queseria Creek restoration project located at the Swanton Pacific Ranch in Santa Cruz County. Learn stream restoration techniques including engineered stream bank protection features such as large rock weirs, J-hook and cross-vane structures. Discover new revegetation techniques and how to establish a riparian corridor by using native materials from the site. Observe how to replace an existing undersized culvert with a bottomless arch culvert with a natural stream bottom to improve fish passage.

Our Streams, Our Roads, Our Future

This film is an exceptional program on how to repair and improve County roads using biotechnical soil stabilization techniques. The film shows an on-site training presentation using a typical road repair project to demonstrate new biotechnical and erosion control design techniques such as, brush layering with geotextile soil wrap and vegetated rock slope protection.

Pulling Together

Integrated Roadside Vegetation management.  This program highlights demonstration projects that reduce pesticide and sediment in County road maintenance operations that are near waterways.
The Integrated Vegetation Management Plan.