The maximum number of ADUs allowed on a single property is based on whether the primary dwelling is a single-family home, a group of single-family homes, or multifamily (attached) dwelling units.
Properties with single family homes may have one ADU and one JADU per legal, conforming single-family dwelling.
The single-family ADU rules also apply to attached single family dwellings such as townhomes and semi-detached single-family homes that share a wall at the property line.
Note that according to the building code, single-family homes cannot include more than two attached, independent dwelling units. For this reason, if the proposed primary dwelling plus ADUs and JADUs would result in three or more attached, independent dwelling units, multifamily building code regulations may apply. JADUs that are not internally connected to a primary dwelling are considered independent dwelling units.
Lots with multifamily dwellings (multiple attached primary dwelling units on the same parcel) are allowed have up to two New Construction detached ADUs that must be detached from the primary multifamily dwellings but may be attached to each other. Also, at least one and up to 25% of primary multifamily dwelling units can have Conversion ADUs created from areas that are not currently livable space (such as storage rooms or garages).
Some parcels are developed with more primary dwelling units than are allowed for the parcel. On these “legal non-conforming” parcels, the addition of an ADU or JADU may be considered “intensification” of the nonconforming density and may require discretionary approval before a building permit may be issued. If you have this situation on your parcel, ask Planning Department staff for help in determining the number of ADUs allowed and the permit process: or calling 831-454-2130.