This bulletin provides the site and structural standards for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) and dwelling units with an efficiency kitchen added. Most of these regulations are found in County Code §13.10.681. See 13.10.700-E for the definition of efficiency kitchen.
Conversion and Junior ADUs:
No new parking is required for conversion ADUs or Junior ADUs. In certain coastal zone areas (including the Live Oak and Seascape / La Selva Designated Areas), replacement parking is required when spaces are demolished for new or conversion ADUs, however, even in these areas replacement parking is not required for JADUs.
New Construction ADUs:
One additional parking space is required for a New Construction ADU unless it qualifies for any of the following exceptions and is outside certain coastal zone areas:
- The ADU is located within 0.5 mile of a public transit stop.
- The ADU is on a designated historic site.
- A dedicated parking space for a car-share vehicle is located within one block.
ADU parking may be double or triple tandem. On streets subject to permit parking, ADU occupants shall be provided with a permit.
Non-Conforming Parking:
If an existing primary dwelling unit has fewer parking spaces than required by code, an ADU project does not trigger new parking
Fire sprinklers are not required for an ADU when not required in the primary residence, unless the ADU is part of a large addition. Sprinklers can be a cost-effective fire safety alternative to water tanks.