Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Requirements

2022 California Residential Codes (CRC), as adopted by the County of Santa Cruz smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed throughout dwelling units for new construction, alterations, repairs, or additions. Basic requirements are shown below, please review codes, as adopted, for complete requirements.

Note: It is the responsibility of the person scheduling the final inspection to provide access to the inspector for verification of all alarms. The final inspection will not occur without access to the alarms.

Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Affidavit PLG-260: Form to self-certify alarm installation for applicable projects.

CRC Code Section Requirements for Dwelling Units 

Smoke Alarms

R314.1 Smoke alarms shall comply with NFPA 72 and Section R314.

R314.1.1 Smoke alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL 217. Combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL 217 and UL 2034. Systems and components shall be California State Fire Marshal listed and approved in accordance with California Code of Regulations.

R314.2.1 New construction Smoke alarms shall be provided in dwelling units.

R314.2.2 Alterations, repairs and additions Where alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit occur, the individual dwelling unit shall be equipped with smoke alarms located as required for new dwellings.


R314.3 Location Smoke alarms shall be installed in the following locations:

  1. In each sleeping room.
  2. Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms.
  3. On each additional story of the dwelling, including basements and habitable attics and not including crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics. In dwellings or dwelling units with split levels and without an intervening door between the adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the upper level shall suffice for the adjacent lower level provided that the lower level is less than one full story below the upper level.
  4. Not less than 3 feet (914 mm) horizontally from the door or opening of a bathroom that contains a bathtub or shower unless this would prevent placement of a smoke alarm required by this section.
  5. In the hallway and in the room open to the hallway in dwelling units where the ceiling height of a room open to a hallway serving bedrooms exceeds that of the hallway by 24 inches (610 mm) or more.

R314.3 Specific Location Requirements Refer to the code section and NFPA 72 Section

R314.4 Interconnection Where more than one smoke alarm is required to be installed within an individual dwelling or sleeping unit, the smoke alarms shall be interconnected in such a manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms in the individual unit. The alarm shall be clearly audible in all bedrooms over background noise levels with all intervening doors closed. Refer to code section for exceptions.

R314.5 Combination Alarms Combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms shall be permitted to be used in lieu of smoke alarms. Systems and components shall be California State Fire Marshal listed and approved in accordance with California Code of Regulations.

R314.6 Power source Smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring provided that such wiring is served from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. Smoke alarms with integral strobes that are not equipped with battery backup shall be connected to an emergency electrical system. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than as required for overcurrent protection.


  1. Smoke alarms are permitted to be solely battery operated in existing buildings where no construction is taking place.
  2. Smoke alarms are permitted to be solely battery operated in buildings that are not served from a commercial power source.
  3. Smoke alarms are permitted to be solely battery operated in existing areas of buildings undergoing alterations or repairs that do not result in the removal of interior walls or ceiling finishes exposing the structure, unless there is an attic, crawl space or basement available which could provide access for building wiring without the removal of interior finishes.
  4. Smoke alarms are permitted to be solely battery operated where repairs or alterations are limited to the exterior surfaces of dwellings, such as the replacement of roofing or siding, or the addition or replacement of windows or doors, or the addition of a porch or deck.
  5. Smoke alarms are permitted to be solely battery operated when work is limited to the installation, alteration or repairs of plumbing or mechanical systems or the installation, alteration or repair of electrical systems which do not result in the removal of interior wall or ceiling finishes exposing the structure.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

R315.1.1 Carbon monoxide alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL 2034. Combination carbon monoxide and smoke alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL 217 and UL 2034.

R315.2.1 For existing buildings and new construction, carbon monoxide alarms shall be provided in dwelling units where either or both of the following conditions exist.

  1. The dwelling unit contains a fuel-fired appliance or fireplace.
  2. The dwelling unit has an attached garage with an opening that communicates with the dwelling unit.

R315.2.2 Where an addition is made to an existing dwelling, or a fuel-burning heater, appliance or fireplace is added to an existing dwelling, not previously required to be provided with carbon monoxide alarms, new carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in accordance with Section R315.


  1. Work involving the exterior surfaces of dwellings, such as the replacement of roofing or siding, or the addition or replacement of windows or doors, or the addition of a porch or deck.
  2. Installation, alteration or repairs of plumbing systems.
  3. Installation, alteration or repairs of mechanical systems that are not fuel fired.

R315.3 Carbon monoxide alarms in dwelling units shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's published instructions in the following locations:

  1. Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms.
  2. On every occupiable level of a dwelling unit, including basements.
  3. Where a fuel-burning appliance is located within a bedroom or its attached bathroom, a carbon monoxide alarm shall be installed within the bedroom.

R315.4 Combination carbon monoxide and smoke alarms shall be permitted to be used in lieu of carbon monoxide alarms. Combination carbon monoxide/smoke alarms shall comply with Section R315 and all requirements for listing and approval by the Office of the State Fire Marshal for smoke alarms.

R315.5 Where more than one carbon monoxide alarm is required to be installed within an individual dwelling unit in accordance with Section R315.3, the alarm devices shall be interconnected in such a manner that the actuation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms in the individual dwelling unit. Physical interconnection of carbon monoxide alarms shall not be required where listed wireless alarms are installed and all alarms sound upon activation of one alarm.

R315.6 Power source Carbon monoxide alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring where such wiring is served from a commercial source and, where primary power is interrupted, shall receive power from a battery. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than those required for overcurrent protection. Refer to code section for exceptions.

R315.7 Carbon Monoxide Detection Systems Carbon monoxide detection systems shall be permitted to be used in lieu of carbon monoxide alarms and shall comply with Sections R315.7.1 through R315.7.4.

R315.7.1n General Household carbon monoxide detection systems shall comply with NFPA 720. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be listed in accordance with UL 2075.

R315.7.2 Permanent Fixture Where a household carbon monoxide detection system is installed, it shall become a permanent fixture of the occupancy and owned by the homeowner.

R315.7.2 Combination Detectors Combination carbon monoxide and smoke detectors installed in carbon monoxide detection systems in lieu of carbon monoxide detectors shall be listed in accordance with UL 268 and UL 2075. Combination carbon monoxide/smoke detectors shall comply with all requirements for listing and approval by the Office of the State Fire Marshal for smoke alarms.

Code information available here: http://www.bsc.ca.gov/Codes.aspx.