The County of Santa Cruz does not issue business licenses, but some businesses will need a business license to operate in other jurisdictions which do require business licenses. If you live with the County of Santa Cruz and will be operating out of your home please review our publication on Home Occupations. If the business will be based or operating within city limits, please contact the respective city planning department. Be sure to check with the tax and license division in each city you intend to operate.
- City of Capitola Planning: 831-475-7300 | City of Capitola business license office: 831-475-7300
- City of Scotts Valley Planning: 831-440-5630 | City of Scotts Valley business license office: 831-440-5610
- City of Watsonville Planning : 831-728-3050 | City of Watsonville business license office: 831-728-3050
- City of Santa Cruz Planning: 831-420-5110 | City of Santa Cruz business license office: 831-420-5100