Erosion Control Plan Requirements

The following items must be included on the stormwater pollution control plan

  1. Project vicinity map.
  2. Property lines.
  3. Parcel number and address.
  4. Topography (existing contours) of the entire limits of disturbance, plus a minimum of 50 feet of topography in all directions.
  5. Nearby watercourses within 200 feet of the project area.
  6. Proposed grading contours, if applicable.
  7. Locations of existing utilities, such as sewer, storm drain, curb and gutter, as applicable.
  8. Name, phone number, email address and address of the property owner.
  9. Name, phone number, email address and address of the individual who prepared the plan.
  10. Proposed erosion control measures, including installation details and notes.
  11. Proposed sediment control measures, including installation details and notes.
  12. Proposed temporary drainage control measures, including installation details and notes.
  13. Proposed construction waste control measures, including installation details and notes.
  14. Locations of stockpile areas (per phase if major development)
  15. Equipment storage and staging area (per phase if major development).
  16. Total area of disturbance, expressed in acres.

  1. A phased plan for controlling erosion, sediment drainage, and waste during the various phases of construction. This shall also include temporary / phased grading contours, if applicable.
  2. An inspection schedule by a stormwater inspector that includes inspection of the erosion, sediment and drainage control before predicted rainfall events in excess of .5 inches, as well as during the rainfall event. The inspections shall be photo documented and provided to the County Planning Department within 1 week of the inspections. The inspection documentation shall be in the form shown in Part 4.
  3. A street sweeping schedule, if applicable.