Arborist Report Requirements

An arborist report is required to be submitted upon application submittal. The report shall be completed by a certified arborist registered with the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). The report shall include the following information listed below at a minimum. Reports that do not include all of the information below will not be accepted by staff.

Basic Information

  • Prepared by:
  • Company Name:
  • Address:
  • Phone:
  • Consultant’s Name and Designation:
  • Report Date:

Site and Tree Assessment Information

  • Site plan showing location of the tree (include buildings, driveways, etc)
  • Clear pictures of the tree indicating location, details, signs of failure or disease
  • Description of species of the tree
  • Circumference or diameter at breast height of tree
  • Estimated height of tree
  • Discussion of general health of the tree
  • Discussion of tree’s risk
  • Discussion of target management
  • Discussion of risk management pruning
  • Discussion of installation of structural support system
  • Discussion of improving site conditions / cultural conditions
  • Discussion of implementing integrated pest management programs
  • Discussion of why tree cannot be saved (cabling, treatment, other)
  • Description of the method to be used for removal of the tree
  • Reason for removal
  • Proposed replacement tree(s) (species, size, location)