Required Findings for Tree Removal

One or more of the following "Findings" need to be made by County staff in order to approve an application request.

a. That the significant tree is dead or is likely to promote the spread of insects or disease.
b. That removal is necessary to protect health, safety, and welfare.
c. That removal of a non-native tree is part of a plan approved by the County to restore native vegetation and landscaping to an area.
d. That removal will not involve a risk of adverse environmental impacts such as degrading scenic resources.
e. That removal is necessary for operation of active or passive solar facilities, and that mitigation of visual impacts will be provided.
f. That removal is necessary in conjunction with another permit to allow the property owner an economic use of the property consistent with the land use designation of the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan.
g. That removal is part of a project involving selective harvesting for the purpose of enhancing the visual qualities of the landscape or for opening up the display of important views from public places
h. That removal is necessary for new or existing agricultural purposes consistent with other county policies and that mitigation of visual impacts will be provided. Also see Section 16.34.090(d), exemption of tree crops.