Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)

CEQA Transportation Analysis

The County of Santa Cruz adopted a policy establishing vehicles miles traveled (VMT) as the appropriate metric for evaluating transportation-related impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). VMT is a measure of total vehicular travel that accounts for the number of vehicle trips and the length of those trips. To learn more, click here

  • Adopting Resolution (link)
  • Board Memo (link)



In 2013, Senate Bill (SB) 743 was signed into law by California Governor Jerry Brown with a goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which promotes urban infill projects supporting diverse land uses and multimodal transportation networks. Once significant outcome resulting from this statute is the removal of automobile delay and congestion, commonly known as level of service (LOS), as a basis for determining significant transportation impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 

The Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation (LCI) selected Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) as the principal measure to replace LOS for determining significant transportation impacts. VMT is a measure of total vehicular travel that accounts for the number of vehicle trips and the length of those trips. OPR selected VMT, in part, because jurisdictions are already familiar with this metric. VMT is already used in CEQA to study other potential impacts such as GHG, air quality, and energy impacts and is used in planning for regional Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCS).

VMT also allows for an analysis of a project’s impact throughout the jurisdiction rather than only in the vicinity of the proposed project allowing for a better understanding of the full extent of a project’s transportation-related impact. However, SB 743 does not restrict the County of Santa Cruz from using LOS for other planning purposes outside the scope of CEQA.


County of Santa Cruz Guidelines for Analyzing VMT for CEQA Compliance 

The County of Santa Cruz with assistance from the transportation consulting firm, Kimley-Horn and Associates, has developed guidelines that establish the VMT threshold adopted by the County and provide an approach to identifying transportation impacts of land use and transportation projects under CEQA. 


TREDLite VMT Tool for Santa Cruz County

TREDLite is a transportation and environmental planning tool that can be used to calculate VMT for a land use project. As with any planning tool, there are distinct limitations on its application, including limits on the type and size of development that it can be applied to. Broadly, this tool provides the following information:

  • ITE Trip Generation
  • VMT Threshold Analysis
  • GHG Estimation
  • TDM Evaluation

Click here for instructions on how to use TREDLite. 


Process for CEQA VMT Analysis for Land Use Projects


Santa Cruz County Regional VMT Mitigation Program

The Santa Cruz County Regional VMT Mitigation Program will provide the County and participating local cities with a regionally coordinated mechanism to mitigate VMT impacts associated with economic development and capacity increasing transportation improvements. The fees collected through this program will fund projects throughout the region that decrease VMT and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improve safety, combat climate change, and improve the quality of infrastructure within disadvantaged communities. Click here to learn more about the program.