Archived CEQA Documents

The California Environmental Quality Act requires a public process for Initial Studies and Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) including providing the opportunity for public comment. The comment period for the documents listed below has already closed; no additional comments can be accepted. These documents are provided here for reference.

If the project included mitigations, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) will list the mitigations and the party responsible for those mitigations. Some mitigations are implemented during construction while others may be ongoing conditions of approval for the project. 

Project Name Description Public Comment Period

Sustainability Policy and Regulatory Update Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

Notice of Determination

Notice of Availability of Final EIR

Final EIR Documents

Final EIR – Complete Document

Final EIR Chapters

3_Changes to Draft EIR
4_Draft EIR Comments and Responses
Appendix A-Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Appendix B-Revised DEIR Appendix E-Species Lists

Notice of Availability of Draft EIR

Draft EIR Documents

Title/Table of Contents/Ch 1 Summary

Chapter 2 Introduction

Chapter 3 Project Description

Chapter 4 Environmental Setting, Impacts & Mitigation Measures
4.1 Aesthetics
4.2 Agriculture, Forestry & Minerals
4.3 Air Quality
4.4 Biological Resources
4.5 Cultural & Tribal Resources
4.6 Energy
4.7 Geology & Soils
4.8 Greenhouse Gases
4.9 Hazards & Hazardous Materials
4.10 Hydrology & Water Quality
4.11 Land Use & Planning
4.12 Noise
4.13 Population & Housing
4.14 Public Services & Recreation
4.15 Transportation
4.16 Utilities & Services Systems
4.17 Wildfire Chapter

5 Other CEQA Considerations Chapter

6 Alternatives Chapter

7 Agencies Contacted-EIR Preparers

A Notice of Preparation
B Scoping Comments
C Potential Growth Assumptions
D Parcel Constraints
E Special Status Species
F Cultural Resources
G Transportation Memos
H Noise Modeling Results
I Air/GHG Calculations

The proposed project is the Santa Cruz County’s Sustainability Policy and Regulatory Update of the County’s General Plan/Local Coastal Program (LCP) and County Code (Sustainability Update). The County’s existing General Plan/LCP was adopted in 1994 with a focus on preserving natural and agricultural resources and limiting urban expansion. After more than 25 years, the General Plan/LCP requires updating to define a more sustainable growth pattern for the future. The broad sustainability goals of the proposed project include updating the goals, objectives, policies, and implementation strategies of the General Plan/LCP and implementing regulations in the County Code to:

  • Incorporate a new planning horizon for population, housing, and employment growth, consistent with Measure J growth management principles;
  • Reflect the sustainability vision and guiding principles of the Sustainable Santa Cruz County Plan, as well as the County Strategic Plan goals of Attainable Housing, Reliable Transportation, Dynamic Economy, Sustainable Environment, Comprehensive Health & Safety, and Organizational Excellence;
  • Ensure compatibility with land use and transportation planning principles that support reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Define new land use designations to increase housing choices and workplace flexibility;
  • Update and modernize the County Code permit procedures and development standards;
  • Adopt County Design Guidelines and special guidelines for the Pleasure Point and Portola Drive Commercial Corridor; and
  • Meet recent state requirements and regulations.

Visit Sustainability Update to learn more about the proposed General Plan/LCP and County Code amendments and timeline for the project.

Public comment on the Draft EIR ended on May 31, 2022.

Rail Trail Segments 10 and 11

Visit Coastal Rail Trail for project description, Notice of Preparation, and Scoping Meeting information

Tuesday, December 7, 2021, 5:00 PM

Medical Office Building Project

Notice of Availability

Aviso de Disponibilidad

Medical Office Building Project Draft EIR

Draft EIR Appendices


Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR and Scoping Meeting


EIR Scoping Meeting Presentation (4-2-20)

Scoping Meeting Summary

Aviso en Espanol

The proposed project would be comprised of a new four-story medical office building measuring approximately 60 feet in height to finished roof and approximately 74 feet to top of mechanical screens on the rooftop. The proposed building would provide approximately 160,000 gross square feet of medical office use for specialty outpatient services. Services may include advanced medical and urgent care clinics, and outpatient surgery facilities, support services for urgent care and outpatient surgery including pharmacy, laboratory, imaging facilities, primary care, women's health, pediatric health, optometry, hearing, vision essentials, neurology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology/oncology, infectious diseases, rheumatology, nephrology, pulmonology, sleep lab, orthopedics, podiatry, pain medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation dermatology, health education, telehealth, cafe, and administrative office spaces. The facility would be open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., but urgent care and ancillary functions would operate continuously, without closing. The expected number of on-site staff, at peak, would be approximately 300 persons.

The proposed project would also include the construction of a four-story parking garage across an internal roadway west of the proposed medical office building. It would accommodate five levels of parking, with 730 new vehicle parking spaces to serve the on-site medical uses, including approximately 47 charging stations for electric vehicles and bike lockers. A new driveway would be constructed from Soquel Avenue that facilitates circulation between the medical office building and parking garage. A separate driveway for service vehicles would be constructed. The proposed project would include street frontage improvements along Soquel Avenue, including new pedestrian sidewalks and bicycle facilities, as well as potential off-site intersection improvements. The proposed project would also require on-site and off-site utility and drainage improvements, including new 8-inch sanitary sewer, 8-inch fire, and 4-inch domestic water lines, as well as a new stormwater outfall that would be constructed along Rodeo Creek Gulch, approximately 1,200 feet east of the site.

Located on APN 029-021-47 (5940 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz)


Please click here to provide comments on this project


Project Name / Link(s) Date Application # APN Address / Location Owner Name

Bonny Doon Elementary School Water System Improvements

Initial Study



N/A 211089 080-352-02 N/A Bonny Doon Unified Elementary School District

Lakeview Estates Subdivision

Initial Study



Initial Study Attachments

N/A 211209 051-411-20 N/A Kamilah Deyn Dev. LLC

Pippin Phase II

Notice of
Finding of
No Significant
Impact and
Notice of Intent
to Request Release
of Funds

Aviso de
sin Impacto
y Aviso de Intención
de Solicitar
de Fondos

Pippin II

Pippin II Site Plan

Review Record

N/A 019-236-01 and 048-221-09
78 Atkinson Lane, Watsonville, CA 95076
MP Berry Farms, LLC

The proposed Pippin Phase II Project consists of the development of 80 new multi-family rental apartments on a nearly 15-acre site located at 78 Atkinson Lane and Brewington Avenue on the outskirts of Watsonville, CA. The project as proposed includes 80 apartments in three residential buildings. All of the buildings are three-story, wood-frame structures without elevators. The units will range in size from one to three bedrooms and will be restricted to occupancy by lower-income households with target income levels from 30% to 60% of the Santa Cruz County Area Median Income (AMI). The proposed unit mix include 32 one-bedroom, 24 two-bedroom and 24 three-bedroom units.
The project will consist of construction of the described residential buildings and all necessary infrastructure including, but not limited to, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, lighting, water, sewer and electrical connections (including undergrounding), water drains, parking lot, open space/park, and landscaping. The project includes the extension of Brewington Avenue from the east side of the site across the site to the north of wetlands, which will be protected.

Public comment will be accepted through February 15, 2022 at 5 p.m.

Please send comments to CEQA-NEPA
. Please reference the project name in the email title.

9041 Soquel Drive, Aptos
Initial Study

Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3

191306 041-141-56/

9041 Soquel Drive, Aptos CA 95003
Human Spaces, LLC This is a proposal to construct an approximately 10,981 square foot mixed-use building with a 1,929 square foot basement, 2,889 square feet of office space on the first floor with a covered carport for 5 vehicles, and three residential apartment units on the second floor, located in the PA (Professional-Administrative Office) district. This requires a Commercial Development permit including a Master Occupancy Permit for the two tenant spaces on the ground floor, and a Riparian Exception to allow for a portion of the parking lot and an associated retaining wall, that encroach into the riparian corridor within the arroyo along Valencia Creek. Valencia Creek crosses the northern edge of the parcel approximately 100 feet south of the proposed development site. 04/15/2022

Mattison Lane Apartments Application #201208
Initial Study

201208 025-211-02 and -07 Rubino Enterprises II LLC This is a proposal to develop a 10-unit apartment complex, grouped into five two-story duet style buildings, and associated site improvement on two adjacent vacant parcels, with a combined area of approximately 2.5 acres. The project will be constructed in two phases, with the first phase including all site improvements and construction of four duet style buildings (eight units). An area for the second phase will be set aside for potential future construction of one additional duet style building. February 19, 2022

Seacliff Village Hotel APPL. # 201003
Initial Study

201003 042-022-12 PRAKASH PATEL Property located at the northeast corner of North Ave. and Broadway in Seacliff (at 270 North Ave.) within the community of Seacliff Village in unincorporated Santa Cruz County (Figure 1). Santa Cruz County is bounded on the north by San Mateo County, on the south by Monterey and San Benito counties, on the east by Santa Clara County, and on the south and west by the Monterey Bay and the Pacific Ocean. November 22, 2021

Ranport Lumbermill

Notice of Intent

Mitigated Negative Declaration



Quality Act (CEQA)

09/20/2021 161014 052-511-06,08 and 052-011-61 Proposal to establish a specialty lumbermill in five phases. In the first phase, the site infrastructure along with a bathroom would be constructed. The second phase would allow for the construction of a 5,000 square foot storage building, followed in the third phase by another 5,000 square foot storage building. The fourth phase would be the construction of the mill building. The final phase would be the replacement of the bathroom building with a two-story 1,600 square foot office building. Richard M Henry

Dominican Hospital

Initial Study

April 19, 2021 191157 025-481-01, 025-081-02, 025-081-03; 1555 Soquel Drive
Proposal to amend Master Plan (88-0065) for Dominican Hospital by establishing a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for construction of an approximately 84,000 square foot addition to the existing hospital facility. Project includes construction of a new surgery center, reconfiguring the existing emergency room and construction of a three-story parking structure. Requires a PUD to increase the maximum height of 35 feet to 62 feet and an amendment to Master Plan 88-0065.
Dignity Health
Arana Sewer Trunk Line Replacement Project

Mitigated Negative Declaration

March 18, 2021 N/A   The project alignment generally extends from Brookwood Drive (north of Highway 1) to La Fonda Avenue (south of Highway 1). a portion of the alignment is adjacent to Arana Gulch and a portion passes under Arana Creek Santa Cruz County Sanitation District (SCCSD)

Lee Road Trail Project

Initial Study

Notice of Intent

Mitigated Negative Declaration

01/22/2021 201188 018-281-63; 018-391-02; 018-392-01; 052-082-02; 052-091-41; 052-221-17; County and City Road ROW City of Watsonville

Davenport North Cement Kiln Dust Closure Project

Notice of Intent

Initial Study and MND

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Appendix 7a

Appendix 7b

Appendix 8 (Plans)

Appendix 9

Appendix 10

Appendix 11

Appendix 12


extended to 1/22/2021
28372 058-071-06 Located at the former Davenport Cement Plant at 700 Highway 1 RMC Pacific Materials
Sunland Garden Products 08/14/2020 181155 109-231-09 Address / Location Melissa Berger


Notice of Intent, Mitigated Negative Declaration, Initial Study and Attachment 1-4

Attachments 5-7

04/27/2020 181576 025-071-05 & -20   Plymouth-Grant LLC
Felton Quarry 02/24/20 191104 062-181-12; 064-201-13, -79, -80, -81; 064-211-67, -68 The project is located at the end of Felton Quarry Road, which extends from San Lorenzo Avenue in the community of Felton in unincorporated Santa Cruz County  CGK, Sinnot, Kester, et.al.

Oakmont Senior Living

Initial Study and Attachments 1-8

Attachments 9-12

01/17/20 191031 037-191-14 & 037-191-15 5630 Soquel Drive, Santa Cruz Inner Light Ministries

Master Plan for Mission Springs Camp and Conference Center

Part 1

Part 2

11/20/19 151255 070-151-21; 070-121-11, -14, & -29; 070-081-67; 070-161-14; 070-162-16, -20, -23, -34 & -35; 070-141-06; 070-172-25 In the southeast direction off of Lockhart Gulch Road, within the community of Scotts Valley, in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz Mission Springs Camps and Conference Center

Maplethorpe Lane PUD Initial Study



11/04/19 181586 037-121-61 (formerly 037-121-60) Located on the east side of Maplethorpe Lane (at 3300 Maplethorpe Lane) to the north of Soquel Drive and Highway 1, within the unincorporated community of Soquel in Santa Cruz County John Swift
Dwellings at Soquel 10/18/19 181231 037-113-26 Located on the north side of Soquel Drive approximately 450 feet west of the intersection with Park Avenue (4701 Soquel Drive) Workbench
Agricultural Employee (Farmworker), Public Facility & School Employee Housing Policy & Code Amendments 10/11/19 N/A Countywide Countywide County of Santa Cruz
Davenport House 04/25/19 181133 058-082-13 Located on the inland side of Highway 1 within the community of Davenport in unincorporated Santa Cruz County. Michael Eaton

San Vicente Redwoods

Initial Study

Att. 1 - MMRP

Att. 2 - Public Access Plan

Part 1 and Part 2

Att. 3 - Trails Staging Area Plan

Att. 4 - 11

03/29/19 181146 Various APN's in Main Tract and Laguna Tract The main tract is located north of Highway 1, east of Swanton Road, south of Jamison Creek Road, and west of Empire Grade. The Laguna Tract is located north of Smith Grade, east of Pine Flat Grade, south of Ice Cream Grade and west of Empire Grade in the Bonny Doon planning area. Peninsula Open Space Trust
Paul Minnie Mixed Use 03/11/19 181170 026-043-14 2606 Paul Minnie Avenue Dave Smith, PM Investors LLC
Rodriguez Road Minor Land Division November 14, 2018 171063 North side of Rodriguez Street North side of Rodriguez Street. Vic Ferguson
Bean Creek Streambank Stabilization Project (Recirculation) November 19, 2018 N/A County Right-of-Way County Right-of-Way County of Santa Cruz
Public Safety and Hazard Management General Plan, Local Coastal Program and County Code Amendments August 1, 2018 N/A Countywide


Freedom Sewer Rehabilitation Project July 10, 2018 N/A Various Located predominately within existing paved roadways in residential neighborhoods. The project area is divided into five improvement locations within the Freedom County Sewer District service area, located along TGreen Valley and Buena Vista Roads. Freedom County Sanitation District
Schulz Rezoning & General Plan Amendment May 24, 2018 171262 030-153-03 The project is located on the south side of Soquel Drive (4746 Soquel Drive), approximately 250 feet east of the intersection with Porter Street, in the community of Soquel Village. Karl & Jo An Schulz
Sohl Residence May 22, 2018 141097 063-061-28 The project is located on the north side of Alta Vista Road, approximately 1,960 feet west of Martin Road, within the community of Bonny Doon. Steven Sohl
Granite Creek Wireless Communication Facility March 28, 2018 141207 101-172-14 The project is located approximately 1/4 mile east from Granite Creek community of Santa Cruz in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. Freddie and Gwendola Taylor

San Vicente Creek Watershed Clematis Control Project

Part 1

Part 2

November 13, 2017 171089 058-011-10; 063-071-01 The project is located within the San Vicente Creek riparian corridor, on the east side of Highway 1, adjacent to the Bonny Doon and North Coast community planning areas, in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. Peninsula Open Space Trust
Quail Hollow Ranch County Park Master Plan Addendum Project November 13, 2017 171295 076-251-17 & 076-301-07 The project is an addendum to the Quail Hollow Ranch County Park Master Plan. The addendum area (project area) is located on the north side of Quail Hollow Ranch County Park, within the community of Felton in the unincorporated Santa Cruz County. The project area includes two parcels. Santa Cruz County Parks Department

Davenport Gap Part 1 (Notice of Intent, Initial Study and Attachments 1 - 3)

Davenport Gap Part 2 (Attachments 4 - 8)

October 31, 2017 161248-161253; 171059 Various locations Project involves seven wireless communication facilities (WCF), located in the attached documents. Stated distances are measured from center of intersection. All locations are within unincorporated Santa Cruz County. State of California (Caltrans); County of Santa Cruz
Rio Del MarStorm Drain Improvements October 31, 2017 171057 N/A The project is located in the Rio Del Mar Flats within the community of Aptos in the unincorporated Santa Cruz County. Department of Public Works
Felton Library October 17, 2017 171167 065-073-03 & 065-281-03 Project is located on the west side of Gushee Street within the community of Felton County of Santa Cruz
Deadman Gulch Restoration Project September 22, 2017 171076 080-011-42, 080-011-41, 080-011-03 The proposed project is located within the approximately 8,500 acre San Vicente Redwoods property, which is located in an unincorporated area of northern Santa Cruz County. The project site is within Townships 9 and 10 South, Range 3 West (MDBM), and is mapped within the USGS Davenport 7.5’ quadrange. The property makes up much of the San Vicente Rancho, spanning from the crest of Ben Lomond Mountain along Empire Grade to near the Town of Davenport. The project location is within the interior of the property, near the intersection of Empire Grade and Braemoor Drive. The project site is accessed via Empire Grade and private ranch roads. Peninsula Open Space Trust, Sempervirens Fund
Redwood Road Bridge Replacement June 19, 2017 N/A County Right-of-Way Located at latitude 37 degrees 01' 47.7", longitude -121 degrees 47' 25.2" on Redwood Road approximately 4.2 miles north of the town of Corralitos in Santa Cruz County, California. The site is a one-lane bridge owned and maintained by Santa Cruz County. County of Santa Cruz
Bean Creek Streambank Stabilization Project June 6, 2017 N/A County Right-of-Way Located on the west shoulder of Bean Creek Road, 2 miles north of the intersection of Bean Creek Road and Scotts Valley Blvd., west of the City of Scotts Valley in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. County of Santa Cruz
Nissan of Santa Cruz May 8, 2017 161443 030-121-27, -08, -12, -13, -53 The proposed project is located on the west side of 41st Avenue within the community of Live Oak in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. Joseph and Karen Calcagno
Discretion Brewing April 12, 2017 161034 025-161-06 The proposed Project is located on the west side of Chanticleer Avenue north of Highway 1 and within the community of Live Oak in the unincorporated portion of Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz County is bounded on the north by San Mateo County, on the south by Monterey and San Benito Counties, on the east by Santa Clara County, and on the south and west by the Monterey Bay and the Pacific Ocean Margaret Kaysen Doerksen, et.al.
Pajaro Valley Groundwater Recharge April 10, 2017 171041 051-241-34 The proposed project is located at 959 Riverside Road near the intersection of Carlton Road and Highway 129 in Watsonville, California, approximately 900 feet north of the Pajaro River in the Pajaro River Watershed.  Santa Cruz County is bounded on the north by San Mateo County, on the south by Monterey and San Benito Counties, on the east by Santa Clara County, and on the south and west by the Monterey Bay and the Pacific Ocean Kelly-Thompson Ranch LLC
Lester Winery January 31, 2017 151101 107-111-32, -76, -77, -79, -80 The proposed project is located on the east side of Pleasant Valley Road (adjacent to 2000 Pleasant Valley Road) approximately 1000 feet north of Del Valle Road within the community of Watsonville in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. Lester Properties, LLC
8 Townhouses - East Cliff Drive "Road House" Site December 2, 2016 151204 032-181-08 The proposed project is located on the north side of East Cliff Drive approximately 500 feet east of the intersection with 38th Avenue (at 2-3905 East Cliff Drive) within the Pleasure Point community of the Live Oak planning area in unincorporated Santa Cruz County. Pietro Family Investments
Lilly Way Agricultural Well October 19, 2016 161020 046-091-17 The proposed project is located on the west side of Lilly Way (77 Lilly Way) approximately 0,25 miles north of the intersection with Zils Road within the community of San Andreas in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz Leroy and Annette Rasi
Mt. Hermon Felton Meadow Project April 11, 2016 N/A 071-331-05; 071-331-06; 066-081-01

The subject property includes two undeveloped parcels located in the unincorporated Felton community in Santa Cruz County’s San Lorenzo Valley. The site is comprised of two adjacent parcels (APNs 071-331-05 and 06). The parcels are situated adjacent to and north of Conference Drive and Graham Hill Road, and adjacent to and west of East Zayante Road. Existing vehicular access to the site is from the east end of the Felton Fair Shopping Center parking lot adjacent to the bank building and from Conference Drive. The property is located approximately 100 feet west of Zayante Creek and 750 feet north of the San Lorenzo River. It is bordered by Mt. Hermon Road, open space, and residential neighborhoods to the north; Graham Hill Road/Conference Drive and commercial development to the south; Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center Redwood Camp and single-family residences to the east; and the Felton Fair Shopping Center to the west. The project also includes the rehabilitation of an existing parking lot/sports area in Redwood Camp across East Zayante Road (APN 066-081-01). Figure 1 illustrates the regional location of the proposed project, and Figure 2 shows the project within the local context.

Mt. Hermon Association
Lode Street Wet Weather Retention Basin March 7, 2016 151009 028-451-01 The proposed project is located at 2750 Lode Street on the southeast end of Lode Street within the community of Live Oak in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. County of Santa Cruz
Bryant-Habert/Wait Ecological Restoration Project February 19, 2016 141216 052-221-25 Project located on the west side of Highway 1 north of West Beach Street within the San Andreas Planning Area in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. Land Trust of Santa Cruz County
1240 Chanticleer Ave. 2-lot Minor Land Division January 19, 2016 151145 029-191-13 The proposed project is located at 1240 Chanticleer Avenue, on the east side of Chanticleer Avenue within the community of "Live Oak" in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. Dylan and Marda Reid
County Rountree Rehabilitation and Re-Entry Facility December 9, 2015 151210 052-531-03 The proposed project is located west of the City of Watsonville at 100 Rountree Lane near Harkins Slough Road within the San Andreas Planning Area in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. County of Santa Cruz, Sheriff's Department
2015 County of Santa Cruz Housing Element Update October 30, 2015 N/A N/A Countywide N/A
Amendments to Santa Cruz County Code 7.38.060 and 7.38.080 October 15, 2015 N/A N/A Countywide N/A
The Lumberyard Mixed Use Development October 13, 2015 141157 032-092-01; 032-092-05 N/A North Point Investments Fund, LLC
Juvenile Hall Seed to Table  October 8, 2015 N/A 061-371-16 N/A County of Santa Cruz
Burgstrom Minor Land Division 09/15/15 131316 108-291-09 525 Blakeridge Lane, Watsonville Lisa Burgstrom
Hochler Minor Land Division 07/21/15 141228 067-041-14 North side of Lockewood Lane Richard Hochler
Jose and Rodriguez Subdivision 07/13/15 141213 026-111-01, -16 1000 Rodriguez Street Cal-Cruz Hatcheries / Furtado
Amendments to Santa Cruz County Code Section 7.38.060 and 7.38.080 06/24/15 N/A Countywide Countywide County of Santa Cruz

Davenport Recycled Water Project

Davenport Recycled Water Project Comments and Responses

03/24/15 151029 058-021-03 and -07, 058-022-11, 058-071-04, and 058-072-01 Located in the unsectioned portion of the Arroyo de la Laguna Rancheria in the south central portion of the Davenport 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle, within Township 10 South and Range 3 West Public Right-of-Way, and Coast Dairies & Land Compay, and Lonestar
Proposed Staub Field Camp  03/20/15 121314 057-021-22 et.al. (thirteen parcels total) Located at the end of Schoolhouse Gulch Road approximately 1/3 miles east of the intersection with Swanton Road (900 Schoolhouse Gulch) California Polytechnic State University Foundation
Pasatiempo Water Storage Tank 03/11/15 141215 060-011-02 Located on the south side of Sims Road, 300 feet east of Graham Hill Road. Pasatiempo, Inc.
Amendments of General Plan / Local Coastal Program Public Safety and Noise Elements, and Amendments of County Code Geologic Hazards Ordinance, Floodplain Regulations, and Erosion Control Ordinance 01/21/15 N/A Countywide Countywide N/A
Wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance Revisions  11/10/14 N/A Countywide Countywide County of Santa Cruz
Mount Hermon Youth Recreation Center 09/19/14 131234 071-331-05, -06 Located on the north side of Graham Hill Road at the intersection with Conference Drive Mount Hermon Association
Johnson Grading 09/19/14 141037 108-161-32, -34, -37, -38, -40, -46, -47 Located on a private drive on the east side of Freedom Boulevard 200 feet past Pleasant Valley Court in the Corralitos area. Ralph and Yeelan Johnson
Castle Rock State Park Entrance Relocation 05/27/14 131055 088-081-12 Southwest side of Skyline Boulevard, which is also State Route (SR) 35, about 2.3 miles from its intersection with Highway 9 (15435 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos) Sempervirens Fund
Isbel Drive Minor Land Division 04/30/14 131175 068-241-11; 008-491-07 190 Isbel Drive, Santa Cruz Mike & Kathy LaMarche
Chaminade Lane Grading 03/24/14 131108

025-013-43, -44,-45,-46

Located on the east side of Chaminade Lane approximately 300 feet north of the intersection of Chaminade Lane and Paul Sweet Road Barry Swenson Builder
Graham Hill Road Bridge Storm Damage Repair Project 03/11/14 N/A 071-201-43 Located on the north side of the Graham Hill Road Bridge located between Mt. Hermon Road to the east and Highway 9 on the west side of the San Lorenzo River. The project site is located within County right-of-way adjacent to Assessor's Parcen Number (APN) 071-201-43 within the community of Felton in the unincorporated County of Santa Cruz. County of Santa Cruz
Heart of Soquel Master Site Plan 03/11/2014 111131 Various Located in the southwest quadrant (Soquel Drive and Porter Street) of Soquel Village and accessed via the right-of-way off Soquel Drive adjacent to the former post office and via Porter Street. County of Santa Cruz
North Rodeo Gulch 4.75 Stream Bank Stabilization 03/11/2014 N/A County Right of Way North Rodeo Gulch (Post Mile Marker 4.75) Located on North Rodeo Gulch Road at Post Mile Marker 4.75 County of Santa Cruz
Nelson Road Re-establishment 02/20/2014 131330 070-011-28 Located at the terminus of the County maintained portion of Nelson Road, in the unincorporated portion of Santa Cruz County, near Highway 17 south, exit Mt. Hermon Road west. At the far end of the city limits, turn right on Lockhart Gulch, and right onto Nelson Road.  Continue 2 miles to the slide. County of Santa Cruz
Storemore Storge Facility 02/10/2014 131046


9687 Soquel Drive, Soquel  
Juvenile Hall Recreation Facility 05/15/2013 131090 061-371-16 3650 Graham Hill Road Santa Cruz County
Smith Road Culvert Replacement 05/15/2013 121256   Post Mile Marker (PM) 0.35 Santa Cruz County
Paulsen Road Culvert Replacement 05/15/2013  121258   Post Mile Markers (PM) 0.32, 0.92 and 0.94  Santa Cruz County
Pasatiempo Sewering Sphere of Influence & Annexation  05/15/2013   Multiple APN's   Multiple Owners 
Pajaro River Excavation

Revegetation Plan

Figure 1- Site Overview
2/27/12 06-0133 - The project area consists of the lower 7.5 miles of the Pajaro River mainstem beginning immediately west of Murphy Road Crossing and ending immediately east of the State Route 1 Bridge. County of Santa Cruz Flood Control
Interim Programmatic
Habitat Conservation Plan (IPHCP)
3/30/11 N/A Multiple Parcels (3,606 parcels) Multiple Multiple Property Owners
Single Use Bag Reduction Ordinance 3/16/11 N/A County-wide County-wide County of Santa Cruz

Lakeview Estates Subdivision

Initial Study



Initial Study Attachments

MMRP Attachment 2

211209 051-411-20 Kamilah Deyn Dev. LLC Proposal to create a seven lot residential subdivision on a 2.3 acre site 2/01/2023

Monterey Glen Subdivision

Initial Study



211213 037-211-01 Monterey Avenue, LLC Proposal to subdivide an existing 41,019 square foot parcel into six (6) lots plus a common interest conservation parcel, to construct six dwelling units and install an entrance gate. 2/19/2023

Freedom Campus Master Plan

Initial Study

Master Plan

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Appendix B - CalEEMod
Appendix C - Transportation
Appendix D - Energy
Appendix E - Noise

N/A 019-017-07 County of Santa Cruz The proposed project consists of adoption of the proposed Freedom Campus Master Plan and redevelopment of the project site using design concepts outlined in the Master Plan. The Master Plan would involve a multi-stage redevelopment of the project site, including demolition of all six existing on-site buildings, construction of up to one or more new health services and other County buildings that would consolidate existing County health services and other County uses, and designate an approximately four-acre portion of the site for residential development consisting of one or more residential buildings with a combined total of up to 160 housing units. The building or buildings would be two stories in height, with an average floor-to-floor height of 15 feet and a total building height of approximately 35 feet. Regardless of the number of buildings, the building(s) would comprise a total of 70,000 to 85,000 square feet. Up to 5,000 square feet of the building(s) would be dedicated to community-serving uses, which may include but would not be limited to a community teaching kitchen and a multi-purpose community room. The project would also involve providing on-site parking for the health service building or buildings. Parking would be either surface parking or a new parking garage, or a combination of both. 10/31/2022

49 Shearwater Lane

Initial Study

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program


201238 052-291-12 Donahue Proposal to demolish an existing 1,342 square foot residence and construct a new two-story, 2,645 square foot residence with attached garage. 08/01/2022
145 Rio Boca Road, Watsonville

Initial Study


201349 145 Rio Boca Road, Watsonville Arrillaga Proposal to construct a new 2,500 square foot residence with 2,300 square foot habitable basement and detached 925 square foot garage. The project includes grading of approximately 400 cubic yards of material for the construction of a basement under the proposed home. 04/17/2024
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Project Name / Link(s) Date Application # APN Address / Location Owner Name
Nissan EIR

Nissan Project Recirculated Partial DEIR

Nissan Project Recirculated Partial DEIR APPENDIX R

Nissan Project Final EIR

Nissan Project Draft EIR

Supporting documents are available for review by appointment with the records room
    030-121-27, -08, -12, -13, -53    
Bonny Doon Limestone Quarry Boundary Expansion Project July 2009 99-0561
The Shale and Limestone Quarries are located in the rural community of Bonny Doon approximately 1.5 miles east of Davenport in the coastal mountains of Santa Cruz County CEMEX
Atkinson Lane PUD May 2009 N/A 019-226-42
Santa Cruz County adjacent to the eastern edge of the Watsonville City limits
Addresses include:
52 Atkinson Lane
56 Atkinson Lane
58 Atkinson Lane
72 Atkinson Lane
78 Atkinson Lane
127 Atkinson Lane
East Cliff Drive Bluff Protection and Parkway Project Nov. 2006 00-0797 NO_APN_SPEC
The project area includes and is adjacent to: East Cliff Drive, the Pleasure Point Park site (located on the southeast corner of the intersection of East Cliff Drive and 32nd Avenue / Pleasure Point Drive; 32nd Avenue becomes Pleasure Point Drive on the south side of East Cliff Drive), The Hook park site on the south side of East Cliff Drive at the south end of 41st Avenue, and the adjacent beach areas County of Santa Cruz RDA / DPW
Soda Lake Facility Expansion Project April 2004 02-0339 110-201-02
Property located on the north side of Riverside Road, 2325 Riverside Road, about one mile west of the County line. Graniterock

Project Name Application # APN Address / Location Owner Name Project Description Public Comment Period Ends
1500 Capitola Mixed Use

Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

Aviso de Determinación de Ningun Impacto Significativo y Aviso de Intención de Solicitar Publicación de Fondos

Environmental Assessment

Site Plan

Environmental Review Record Documents
N/A APNs: 026-741-12, 13, 14, and 15

Address: 1412, 1438, 1500, and 1514 Capitola Road, Live Oak
MP Live Oak Associates, L.P. The project proposes to develop a mixed-use project on a 3.65-acre site. The project consists of a two-story commercial building, with a central public plaza located adjacent to Capitola Road, behind which, in the mid-section of the site, would be four 3-story multi-family residential buildings surrounding a private open space. Proposed uses include two community health clinics, 56 affordable apartments, a manager's unit, a community room, homework center, laundry room, restroom, leasing office, bike storage, and maintenance shed. All proposed structures would be within a landscaped setting that includes parking, circulation, open space and a community garden. Public comment will be accepted through May 18, 2020 at 5 p.m.

Please click here to provide comments on this project. Please reference the project name in the email title.
Park Haven Plaza Supportive Housing

Updated Environmental Assessment
Includes newly required topic areas: Environmental Justice, Energy Efficiency, and Climate Change

Environmental Assessment

Site Plan

Environmental Review Record Documents

Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

Aviso de Recomendaciones sin Impacto Significativo y Aviso de Intención de Solicitar Liberación de Fondos
DRG 221009 APN 037-231-23 (Primary) and APN 037-231-22

Address: 2838 - 2840 Park Ave., Soquel, CA 95073
Property Owner:
Pajaro Wall Street Inn, LLC

2838 Park Ave, LP
Construction of 36 new apartments and related improvements on an approximately 1.4 acre site. The project includes 35 permanent supportive housing (PSH) units affordable to extremely low-income households and one manager’s unit sited behind existing office buildings to remain onsite. The elevator building includes 3 stories of modular dwellings over tuck-under parking, with 32 one-bedroom units, 4 two-bedroom units, a meeting room, leasing office, and laundry room. Proposed federal funding includes 17 VASH vouchers and 18 Project-based Section 8 vouchers. Proposed State funding includes California “Homekey” funds. As a supportive housing project, it qualifies for ministerial processing pursuant to California law (AB 2162). The project consists of construction of the new residential building and all necessary infrastructure including, but not limited to, walkways, curbs, gutters, lighting, water, sewer and electrical connections (including undergrounding), grading, retaining wall, water drains, parking lot, and landscaping. Public comment will be accepted through July 5, 2022 at 5 p.m.

Please send comments to CEQA-NEPA@santa
. Please reference the project name in the email title.
Veterans Village Supportive Housing

Environmental Assessment

Environmental Review Record Documents

Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds
N/A APN 078-273-15 and APN 078-272-06

Address: 8705 Highway 9, Ben Lomond, CA 95005
Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz Acquisition, rehabilitation, and conversion of an existing motel property with 1 existing single-family home and 10 motel cabins in a commercial "Visitor Accommodations" (VA) zone, into a 20-unit "Homekey" permanent supportive housing project to be funded by the California Homekey Round 2 Grant Program authorized by AB 140 of 2021. The project also includes installation of six new, 1-bedroom modular dwelling units on the site, remodeling of the existing stand-alone 3-car garage into two (2) ADA units, a manager’s unit and also common areas to include a leasing office, bathroom and communal laundry facilities. Minimal remodeling work is planned in the main family dwelling, which consists of removing the main fireplace, enlarging of a doorway, finishing closets, replacing and lowering ground-floor bedroom windows to comply with Egress code, installing exterior landing pads on exits doorways, and painting and decorating. The project will consist of construction and rehab of the described residential buildings and all necessary infrastructure including, but not limited to, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, lighting, water, sewer and electrical connections (including undergrounding), water drains, parking lot, and landscaping as necessary. Public comment will be accepted through August 9, 2022 at 5 p.m.

Please send comments to CEQA-NEPA@santa
. Please reference the project name in the email title.