East Cliff Drive Bluff Protection and Parkway Project
Table of Contents
ES. Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Purpose and Need (Chapter 1)
- Project History
- Public Involvement Process
- Proposed Projects and Alternatives Considered (Chapter 2)
- No Action Alternative
- Alternative 1: Full Bluff Armoring (Preferred Alternative)
- Alternative 2: Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Parkway Improvements
- Alternative 3: Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Parkway Improvements
- Alternative 4: Groins and Notch Infilling
- Environmentally Preferable/Superior Alternative
- Permit and Review Requirements
- Comparison of Alternatives, Including Impacts and Mitigation
- Affected Environment (Chapters 3 through 14)
- Environmental Consequences (Chapters 3 through 14)
- Cumulative Impacts (Chapter 15)
- Consultation and Coordination (Chapter 16)
- References, List of Preparers, Glossary and Index (Chapters 17, 18, 19 and 20)
- Summary of Potential Significant Environmental Consequences and Mitigation Measures
1. Purpose of and Need for Action
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Projects
- 1.3 Purpose and Need
- 1.3.1 Physical Integrity of the Bluffs
- 1.3.2 Geologic Background
- 1.4 Project Area
- 1.5 Project History
- 1.6 Use of a Joint NEPA/CEQA Document
- 1.7 Public Involvement Process
2. Proposed Project and Alternatives
- 2.1 Proposed Project Overview
- 2.2 Overview of Alternatives
- 2.2.1 Alternative 1: Full Bluff Armoring (Preferred Alternative)
- 2.2.2 Alternative 2: Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Parkway Improvements
- 2.2.3 Alternative 3: Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Parkway Improvements
- 2.2.4 Alternative 4: Groins and Notch Infilling
- 2.3 No Action Alternative
- 2.4 Alternatives and Alternative Components Considered but Eliminated
- 2.4.1 Bluff Protection Measures
- 2.4.2 Road and Parkway Improvements
- 2.5 Alternatives Development
- 2.6 Comparison of Alternatives
- 2.6.1 Alternative 1: Full Bluff Armoring (Preferred Alternative)
- 2.6.2 Alternative 2: Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Parkway Improvements
- 2.6.3 Alternative 3: Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Parkway Improvements
- 2.6.4 Alternative 4: Groins and Notch Infilling
- 2.7 Environmentally Preferable/Environmentally Superior Alternative
- 2.8 Permit and Review Requirements
3A Introduction to Resource Chapters 3 through 14
- 3A-1 Introduction to Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences
3. Land Use
- 3.1 Affected Environment
- 3.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 3.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 3.1.3 Current Land Use
- 3.2 Environmental Consequences
- 3.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 3.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 3.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 3.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling(Alternative 4)
- 3.2.5 No Action Alternative
4. Recreation
- 4.1 Affected Environment
- 4.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 4.1.2 Regulations and Permitting Requirements
- 4.1.3 Existing Recreational Uses (See Section 6.1.6 for detailed discussion of waves, wave properties, and recreational waves)
- 4.2 Environmental Consequences (See Section 6.2 for detailed discussion of impacts on Recreational Wave Breaks)
- 4.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 4.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 4.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 4.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 4.2.5 No Action Alternative
5. Visual Resources
- 5.1 Affected Environment
- 5.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 5.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 5.1.3 Significant Visual Features, Scenic Corridors, and Public Views/Vistas
- 5.1.4 Visual Landscape
- 5.2 Environmental Consequences
- 5.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 5.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 5.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 5.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 5.2.5 No Action Alternative
6. Geological Resources and Coastal Processes
- 6.1 Affected Environment
- 6.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 6.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 6.1.3 Geologic Setting
- 6.1.4 Soils
- 6.1.5 Seismicity
- 6.1.6 Waves and Currents
- 6.1.7 Bluff Erosion
- 6.1.8 Project Area Bluff Conditions
- 6.1.9 Sand Movement (Sources and Transport)
- 6.1.10 Beach Formation
- 6.1.11 Issues That May Affect Bluff Protection Structures
- 6.2 Environmental Consequences
- 6.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 6.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 6.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 6.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling(Alternative 4)
- 6.2.5 No Action Alternative
7. Water Resources
- 7.1 Affected Environment
- 7.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 7.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 7.1.3 Climate
- 7.1.4 Storm Waves
- 7.1.5 Surface Water Features and Drainage (Onshore)
- 7.1.6 Surface Water Quality
- 7.1.7 Hydrodynamics and Circulation (Monterey Bay and Nearshore)
- 7.1.8 Groundwater Occurrence and Movement
- 7.2 Environmental Consequences
- 7.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 7.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 7.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 7.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 7.2.5 No Action Alternative
8. Biological Resources
- 8.1 Affected Environment
- 8.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 8.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 8.1.3 Biological Setting
- 8.1.4 Vegetation/Habitat Types
- 8.1.5 Wildlife Resources
- 8.2 Environmental Consequences
- 8.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 8.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 8.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 8.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 8.2.5 No Action Alternative
9. Transportation
- 9.1 Transportation
- 9.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 9.1.2 Regulatory Consideration
- 9.1.3 Roadways
- 9.1.4 Sidewalks and Crosswalks
- 9.1.5 Pathways and Bikeways
- 9.1.6 Circulation and Access Provisions
- 9.1.7 Traffic Volumes
- 9.1.8 Parking Conditions
- 9.1.9 Transit Service
- 9.2 Environmental Consequences
- 9.2.1 Alternative 1 (Full Bluff Armoring)
- 9.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 9.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Parkway Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 9.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 9.2.5 No Action Alternative
10. Emergency Services
- 10.1 Affected Environment
- 10.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 10.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 10.1.3 Existing Emergency Services
- 10.2 Environmental Consequences
- 10.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 10.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 10.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 10.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 10.2.5 No Action Alternative
11. Cultural and Paleontological Resources
- 11.1 Affected Environment
- 11.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 11.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 11.1.3 Cultural Resources Overview
- 11.1.4 Cultural Resources in the Project Area
- 11.1.5 Paleontology
- 11.1.6 Project Area Paleontology
- 11.2 Environmental Consequences
- 11.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 11.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 11.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 11.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 11.2.5 No Action Alternative
- 12.1 Affected Environment
- 12.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 12.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 12.1.3 Existing Air Quality Conditions
- 12.1.4 Sensitive Receptors
- 12.2 Environmental Consequences
- 12.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 12.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 12.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 12.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 12.2.5 No Action Alternative
13. Noise
- 13.1 Affected Environment
- 13.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 13.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 13.1.3 Existing Noise Environment
- 13.2 Environmental Consequences
- 13.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative1)
- 13.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 13.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 13.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 13.2.5 No Action Alternative
14. Utilities
- 14.1 Affected Environment
- 14.1.1 Introduction/Region of Influence
- 14.1.2 Regulatory Considerations
- 14.1.3 Existing Utility Infrastructure
- 14.2 Environmental Consequences
- 14.2.1 Full Bluff Armoring (Alternative 1)
- 14.2.2 Partial Bluff Armoring with Full Improvements (Alternative 2)
- 14.2.3 Partial Bluff Armoring with Limited Improvements (Alternative 3)
- 14.2.4 Groins and Notch Infilling (Alternative 4)
- 14.2.5 No Action Alternative
15. Other Required Analyses
- 15.2 Cumulative Projects and Impact
- 15.2.1 Cumulative Impact Analysis Methodology
- 15.2.2 Land Use
- 15.2.3 Recreation
- 15.2.4 Visual Resources
- 15.2.5 Geological Resources and Coastal Process
- 15.2.6 Water Resources
- 15.2.7 Biological Resources
- 15.2.8 Transportation and Safety
- 15.2.9 Emergency Services
- 15.2.10 Paleontological and Cultural Resources
- 15.2.11 Air Quality
- 15.2.12 Noise
- 15.2.13 Utilities
- 15.3 Growth-Inducing Impact (CEQA)
- 15.4 Relationship Between Local Short-term Uses of the Environment and Long-term Productivity (NEPA)
- 15.5 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources
- 15.6 Environmental Justice and Environmental Health Safety Risks to Children
- 15.6.1 Environmental Justice
- 15.6.2 Environmental Health and Safety Risks to Children
16. Consultation and Coordination
- 16.1 Agencies and Representatives Contacted
- 16.2 Scoping
- 16.3 2003 Draft EIS/EIR
- 16.4 2006 Revised Draft EIS/EIR
17. References
18. Listof Preparers
- 18.1 County of Santa Cruz
- 18.2 US Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District (2003 EIS/EIR only)
- 18.3 Tetra Tech (Contractor)
- 18.4 Subconsultants
19. Glossary
20. Index
21. Introduction to Public Comments and Responses
- 21.1 Introduction to Public Comments and Responses
- 21.2 Index of Comments and Responses
- 21.3 Public Comments and Responses
Pages 21-3 through 21-9
Pages 21-10 through 21-19
Pages 21-20 through 21-29
Pages 21-30 through 21-39
Pages 21-40 through 21-49
Pages 21-50 through 21-59
Pages 21-60 through 21-69
Pages 21-70 through 21-79
Pages 21-80 through 21-89
Pages 21-90 through 21-103
A Photo
B Public Involvement
C Public Scoping Letters
D Traffic Counts
E Biological Resources
F Parkway Maps
G Coastal Bluff Evaluation
Listof Figures
ES-1.......50-Year Summary
1-1.......Regional Location Map
1-2.......Projected Erosion Rates
1-3.......Project Area
2-1a.....Project Overview
2-1b.....Shoreline Change Rates
2-2.......Existing Traffic Volumes in Vicinity of East Cliff Drive
2-3.......Expected Traffic Volumes Following Reversal of One-way Traffic
2-4.......Soil Nail Wall Construction
2-5.......MSE Reinforcement
2-6.......Soil Nail Assembly
2-7.......Soil Nail Construction Method
2-8.......Map Legend for 2-9a-c
2-9a.....Project Site Map-Sheet 1
2-9b.....Project Site Map-Sheet 2
2-9c.....Project Site Map-Sheet 3
2-10.....Representative Cross Section of Bluff Protection Structure and ParkwayImprovements
2-11.....Stairway Beach Access
5-1a.....Existing Conditions-Bluff View
5-1b.....Existing Conditions-Ocean View
5-2a.....Alternative 1 Visual Simulation-Bluff View
5-2b.....Alternative 1 Visual Simulation-Ocean View
5-3a.....Alternative 2 Visual Simulation-Bluff View
5-3b.....Alternative 2 Visual Simulation-Ocean View
5-4a.....Alternative 3 Visual Simulation-Bluff View
5-4b.....Alternative 3 Visual Simulation-Ocean View
5-5a.....Alternative 4 Visual Simulation-Bluff View
5-5b.....Alternative 4 Visual Simulation-Ocean View
6-1.......Alternative 1 Erosion Estimates
6-2.......Alternative 2 Erosion Estimates
6-3.......Alternative 3 Erosion Estimates
6-4.......Alternative 4 Erosion Estimates
6-5.......No Action Time Sequence of Erosion
Listof Tables
ES-1 .... Stairway Locations
ES-2 .... Summary of Project Alternatives
ES-3 ....East Cliff Drive Bluff Protection and Parkway Project Permit and Approval Requirements
ES-4 .... Summary of Significant Impacts from Project Alternatives
ES-5 .... Summary of Potential Significant Impacts and Mitigations
2-1 ...... Projected Increases in Residential Traffic Under One-Way Reversal
2-2 ...... Summary of Project Alternatives
2-3 ...... Stairway Locations
2-4 ...... Proposed Drainage Improvements
2-5 ......East Cliff Drive Bluff Protection and Parkway Project Permit and Approval Requirements
8-1 ......East Cliff Drive Project Area Observed Species List
8-2 ...... Likelihood of Occurrence of Santa Cruz County’s Special Status Plants in the Project ROI
8-3 ...... MBTA and MMPA Species Potentially occurring within the ROI
8-4 ...... Likelihood of Occurrence of Special Status Wildlife Species in the Project ROI
9-1 ...... Peak Hour East Cliff Drive Traffic Volumes, November2005
9-2 ...... Peak Hour Pedestrian and Bicycle Volumes, November 2005
12-1 .... Federal and State Ambient Air Quality Standards
12-2 .... Project-Related Vehicle Emissions and Thresholds of Significance
13-1 .... Typical Construction Site Noise Levels
15-1 .... Past, Present, and Future Armoring Projects in Santa Cruz County
Listof Acronyms
Full Phrase
Clean Air Act
California Department of Transportation
California Public Resources Code.
California Air Resources Board
California Code of Regulations
California Current System
California Department of Fish and Game
Council on Environmental Quality
California Environmental Quality Act
California Endangered Species Act
Code of Federal Regulations
Cubic feet per second
centimeters per second
community noise equivalent level
California Natural Diversity Data Base
California Native Plant Society
carbon monoxide
Army Corps of Engineers
California species of special concern
Logarithmic decibel scale
A-weighted decibel
Detailed Project Report
Environmental Impact Report
Environmental Impact Statement
US Environmental Protection Agency
Endangered Species Act
Environmentally sensitive habitat area
Evolutionary Significant Unit
Degrees Fahrenheit
Federally endangered
Federal Emergency Management Agency
federal species of concern
Haro, Kasunich and Associates
Local Coastal Program
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District
Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transportation District
Mean high tide
Mean Lower Low Water
Marine Life Protection Act
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Marine Protected Area
Santa Cruz County’s Master Bikeway Plan
Mechanically Stabilized Earth
Mean Sea Level
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
Natural Diversity Data Base
National Environmental Policy Act
National Geodetic Vertical Datum
National Historic Preservation Act
Nautical Mile
National Marine Fisheries Service
Notice of Availability
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Notice of Intent
Notice of Preparation
National Register of Historic Places
Parks and Recreation
USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map
Recordof Decision
Region of Influence
Sanders Engineering and Associates
State Marine Conservation Area
Traditional Cultural Properties
United States Code
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Geological Survey
vehicle miles traveled