Commercial Permits

All New Commercial Development requires a Discretionary Permit. If a Discretionary Permit has not been approved for your project, please contact Zoning staff for next steps. You can schedule an appointment here. If your project is a Tenant Improvement at an existing commercial property, please see the Commercial Tenant Improvement Permit page. If your project is a Sign, please see the Sign Permit page.

Are Plans Required? Yes
Submitted Through ePlan Review 
ePlan User Guide 
How to Submit a Project in ePlan Overview
Required Forms See forms available under the "Building" section on the ePlan Review webpage.
Fees Fees are based on department review fees and square footage.
Additional Forms, as applicable

EH Building Clearance, if the parcel is served by an OWTS (septic system).
Accessibility Documentation

Required Information Make an appointment with Building staff to discuss application requirements
If you need help or have questions Contact Building staff by email: Planning.BuildingInfo@santacruzcountyca.gov, or by Scheduling an appointment using the Appointment Scheduler.
IMPORTANT NOTE As noted above, Commercial Building Permits require a Discretionary Permit. If you have not yet, obtained a Discretionary Permit, make an appointment with Zoning staff. You should also meet with Environmental Planning staff that the property is suitable for your project and not encumbered by environmental constraints or resources that require protection. If your parcel is served by an OWTS (septic system), check with Environmental Health staff.
Additional Information & Resources