Sign Permits

New commercial signs, other than those replaced in-kind, usually require a Discretionary Permit. New signs for home occupations allowed in residential or agricultural zone districts require a Zoning Clearance. Additionally, a Building Permit is required for most sign installations, including any sign with electrical components. Before submitting your Building Permit application, make sure that your application complies with the requirements of the approved Discretionary Permit. You can find the requirements such as size, lighting, placement, and design requirements in the Conditions of Approval. If you need a copy of the Discretionary Permit or want to check if one has been approved, see our Records & Parcel Research webpage.

If you have questions about a Discretionary Permit, email Zoning staff or schedule an appointment

Are Plans Required? Yes
Submitted Through ePlan Review 
ePlan User Guide
How to Submit a Project in ePlan Overview
Required Forms See forms available under the "Building" section on the ePlan Review webpage.
Fees Sign permits cost approximately $1,000.
Required Information Provide a site plan and elevations. Show the sign's location on the building elevation or, if ground-mounted, on the site plan. Demonstrate compliance with the approved Discretionary Permit (e.g., colors, size, materials, location, lighting). If approved for illumination, provide an electrical plan.
If you need help or have questions For application requirements, contact Building staff by email at Planning.BuildingInfo@santacruzcountyca.gov, or by Scheduling an appointment using the Appointment Scheduler .
For questions about a Discretionary Permit, contact Zoning staff by email at Planning.ZoningInfo@santacruzcountyca.gov or by Scheduling an appointment using the Appointment Scheduler
Additional Information & Resources: County Code Sign Ordinance