Off-Grid Solar Design


The rural nature of the Santa Cruz County community and geography result in the abundance of rural residences and accessory buildings. With this comes the need for flexible, cost-effective and accessible sources of power that can meet property owner’s needs. Off-grid electrical systems composed of solar panels, battery storage systems and generators provide a source of power that is equivalent to a commercial electrical service in accordance with the California Building Standards Codes and provides additional benefits.

Santa Cruz County has a long and rich history of off-grid solar development. This approach to providing power to a residence provides owners with greater flexibility when building homes in remote areas of Santa Cruz County where commercial power sources are not available or only available at great cost.

Diagram of Off-Grid Solar DesignBelow you will find general information about off-grid solar systems, including information about who is qualified to design and install them and when off-grid systems can be used.

Additional information, including technical guidance and examples, is available on our Off-grid Solar Requirements webpage.

A stand-alone or off-grid solar system is not connected to the grid but uses a storage battery to store the electricity generated. Your solar panel system will produce more electricity during the day than your home could consume. The excess electricity is used to charge a storage battery from where you draw your power at night when the solar panel system is producing very little electricity. A generator is used to provide backup power if the solar system cannot produce sufficient power.

Off-grid solar systems are submitted through ePlan Review.

Residential Plan Submittal Requirements
The following are in addition to the standard application requirements.

  • Load calculation based on the example provided here under Single-family Dwelling Step-by-Step Guidance.
  • Solar plans per the Solar (PV) & Battery submittal guide.
  • Generator plans per the Generator submittal guide or fixed automatic transfer switch type generator.
  • For portable generators, indicate the lcoation of the required gravel and/or solid pad, submit a generator specification sheet, and specifications for the manual transfer switch.
  • Shading report which indicates the available solar access and is used to adjust the solar array output.
  • Battery specification sheets including the discharge capacity.

Construction documents shall be drafted by a licensed C-10, C-46, or a general contractor with a NABCEP Professional certification.

A non-licensed person may draft plans for an off-grid system based on the minimum design criteria presented in the handout. A licensed C-10, C-46, or a general contractor with a NABCEP Professional Certification shall provide a letter certifying that the minimum design criteria have been met prior to plan submittal.

NOTE: The plans may not be a deferred submittal because the system is the primary source of power for the structure.

In order to install an off-grid system, you must be a licensed C-10 or C-46 contractor or a qualified person per the 2022 California Electrical Code.

2022 CEC 690.4 (C) Qualified Personnel. The installation of equipment and all associated wiring and interconnections shall be performed only by qualified persons.

  • On parcels with or without ready access to a PG&E service connection.
  • On parcels with existing PG&E electrical services.
  • Multiple systems may be installed on a single parcel to service separate buildings.
  • A hardship letter from PG&E is not required to install an off-grid solar system

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