Senate Bill 9 Housing and/or Land Division Permits

For an overview of Senate Bill 9 (SB9), including eligibility requirements and step-by-step application guide, visit our Senate Bill 9 webpage.

Permit Name SB 9 Housing and/or Land Division Permit
Are Plans Required? Yes
Submitted Through ePlan Review 
ePlan User Guide 
How to Submit a Project in ePlan Overview
Fees Fees are based on department review fees and square footage.
Additional Forms, as applicable

EH Building Clearance, if the parcel is served by an OWTS (septic system).

If you need help or have questions

See the Senate Bill 9 website for information on eligibility and step-by-step application information: here.
For eligibility questions, contact Zoning staff by email: Planning.ZoningInfo@santacruzcountyca.gov
For application process questions, contact Building staff by email: Planning.BuildingInfo@santacruzcountyca.gov, or by Scheduling an appointment using the Appointment Scheduler.

IMPORTANT NOTE Before you invest in project plans, be sure to confirm your parcel's eligibility to apply for your project under SB9. Eligibility information is available on the Senate Bill 9 webpage. In addition, check with Zoning for development standards, including setbacks. Confirm with Environmental Planning staff that your property is suitable for your project and not encumbered by environmental constraints or resources that require protection.
Additional Information & Resources Lots more information is available on the Senate Bill 9 webpage