Retaining Wall Permits

There are three categories of retaining walls:

  • (1) Retaining walls less than three feet tall that do not support a surcharge (e.g., structures, roadways, parking areas) do not require a permit.
  • (2) Retaining walls over three feet or those with surcharges do require a permit submitted through ePlan Review.
  • (3) Retaining walls four feet or taller require a permit submitted through ePlan Review with structural engineering.

Retaining wall construction is often associated with grading. If that is the case with your project, check our Grading webpage to see if you will also need a grading permit.

Are Plans Required? Yes
Submitted Through ePlan Review 
ePlan User Guide
How to Submit a Project in ePlan Overview
Required Forms See forms available under the "Building" section on the ePlan Review webpage.
Fees Fees are based on department review fees and square footage of the face of the retaining wall.
Additional Forms, as applicable Submit an Environmental Health Building Clearance, if the parcel is served by an OWTS (septic system).
If you need help or have questions Contact Building staff by email: Planning.BuildingInfo@santacruzcountyca.gov, or by Scheduling an appointment using the Appointment Scheduler .
IMPORTANT NOTE Before you invest in project plans, check with Zoning for development standards, including setbacks. Confirm with Environmental Planning staff that your property is suitable for your project and not encumbered by environmental constraints or resources that require protection. If your parcel is served by an OWTS (septic system), check with Environmental Health staff.
Additional Information & Resources:

If the retaining walls are a part of a larger project involving grading, please review our Grading webpage.


Standard Details for Retaining Walls

Listed below are links to the standard details for retaining walls.

Masonry wall standard details
Concrete wall standard details
  • These details may be used with no additional design analysis when all of the following conditions are met:
    1. The retaining wall retains less than 4 feet of material with or without a surcharge, unless the surcharge is caused by a building.
    2. All design criteria specified by a soils or geologic report must be met by use of the standard detail for the wall.
  • Submit the permit application through ePlan Please see Application Requirements for Residential Structures - PLG280 for plan requirements.
  • One of these details should be part of each set of plans submitted with the application and the detail will serve as the structural plan for the wall.
  • The plans must include a plot plan, topographic map, elevations, and other information necessary for reviewing agencies in accordance with our current procedures. The height of the wall must be clearly shown on the plot plan and elevations.
  • The building plan checker must verify items 1 and 2 above.
  • The plans must specify the amount of grading to be done. If a grading permit or grading approval with the building permit is needed, the application will be processed in accordance with our current grading procedures.
  • The application will be routed to building plan check, zoning plan check, environmental health if on septic, and environmental planning if a grading permit or grading approval is needed.