Requirements for Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing

  • All plans are now submitted through the ePlan Review Portal.
  • No red ink or pencil
  • Signature of designer with license number or seal on first sheet of both sets in ink ONLY. Unlicensed designers will not be accepted.
  • Minimum sheet size 18" x 24"

  • Clearly distinguish between new work and existing work. Indicate existing components affected by new work.

  • Schematic diagram of all wire runs including main, sub feed, branch circuits
  • Indicate with standard symbols all fixtures, junction boxes, load centers, main panels.
  • Scale 1/4" - 1'-0" standard for overall plan. Use appropriate scale for details and sections.
  • Indicate all materials used for wiring runs including raceways, supports, panels, service entrance, etc.
  • Indicate bonding/grounding system.
  • Provide load schedule; should include; disconnect/over current protection means, working voltages/amperages/wattage/horsepower/etc.
  • Show compliance with current Title 24 non-residential energy standards as adopted by the California Energy Commission
  • Indicate compliance with Title 24 California Electrical Code regarding accessible electrical elements.

  • Show compliance with current Title 24 non-residential energy standards as adopted by the California Energy Commission.
  • Schematic floor plan indicating duct runs, branches, supports, and related fittings. Use standard symbols. (An isometric plan may be required on complicated systems.)
  • Identify all equipment in system including air handler(s), HVAC equipment, etc. Include all make, model, size, installation details, etc. HVAC equipment must be CEC approved.
  • Identify combustion air sources for fuel burning equipment.
  • Dimension all runs.
  • Call out materials, sizes and types.
  • Demonstrate flue (venting) design details for fuel burning equipment.
  • Indicate how penetrations in rated construction are protected.
  • Differentiate between supply air and return air ducts.
  • Provide information to local fire district on all flammable gasses and liquids handled by system.

  • Indicate all fuel burning equipment to be protected (include size).
  • Provide plan view and elevation views for two sides not more than 90 degrees apart. (Indicate relationship to kitchen floor area).
  • Indicate vertical distance between top of equipment & lip of hood.
  • Indicate shaft construction, cleanout(s), blower detail and make-up air blower. (Must be tempered make-up if over 2500 cfm.).
  • Call out all materials, sizes, fasteners, controls, etc.
  • Provide fire suppression system details to local fire district.
  • For Type I hoods provide duct sizing calculations.

DWV Systems:

  • Show compliance with current Title 24 non-residential energy standards adopted by the California Energy Commission.
  • Isometric diagram of main run, branches, vents, fittings, and fixture location.
  • Schematic floor plan indicating relationships of fixtures and locations. Use standard symbols.
  • Indicate all materials used in DWV systems if less than 1/4" per foot. (Pre-approval required for slopes less than 1/4" per foot).
  • Indicate fixture make, type, etc. Fixtures must be listed types approved by CEC.
  • Dimension run lengths.
  • Provide cleanouts per UPC

  • Schematic diagram of piping layout, isometric diagrams may be required on more complicated systems.
  • Indicate demand load per fixture/appliance served.
  • List fixture/appliances by make, model, etc. Provide manufacturer's data as applicable.
  • Dimension run lengths.
  • Indicate working pressures.
  • Indicate bonding system(s) used.

  • Indicate compliance with Title 24 California Plumbing Code regarding accessible plumbing elements.